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The box that gets looked at but not looked in

It gets kicked and hit

It gets love and hugs

How will you treat that box?

Will you run?

Will you give that box shelter?

Will you become the boxes victim?

The outside always looks so harmless

The inside always holds a mystery

The box is that one Amazon package you forgot you ordered

What will it be?

Will it be a scam?

Will it be worth the money?

Will you get sent the wrong thing and try to order again?

Will it leave you with junk that adds to the never ending junk closet?

The closet that you wouldn't DARE to open.

The closet thats makes you want to LEAVE.

The closet that looks oh so nice on the outside but holds the dirtiest of things inside.

What will that box give you?

Will you try to cherish it no matter what?

Will you make something out of nothing?

Will you send it back not wanting to risk it?

Will you block its blessing?

Or is it just a box that you kick and abuse to send to the next to patch up?

-Amori Haggerty February 28,2023

Will you get sent the wrong type of love and hurt others from your uncaring selfish emotions? Or will you pass along the box to one who REALLY needs it? < That was my first reasoning for writing this poem when the words melted from my brain down to the pads of my fingerprints. Now that I've had to type it up again I take it a little different, love holds secrets, many of them. How will you handle that? Will the secrets be good? Will they be bad? Did you go for that love knowing it wouldn't be the best? Did that love seem good until you actually unraveled it? Let me know your thoughts! This poem is so deep to me, not because I've been in love with someone but because I know how love can trick people. I've been tricked, and I've seen it happen multiple times. Don't get so stuck on the word 'box', it's a metaphor  for 'love' so don't let it confuse you.Thank you all for reading.😘

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