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Bigger than three

Bigger than sneaking out

Bigger than cheating

Bigger than lying

The cloth that drapes so perfectly you forget it's there

The kid so comfortably enjoying staying up past it's bedtime

The mouse running in the house and bringing others once there's no consequences.


The way it creeps

Gravitating towards something you know isn't good

Keeping from achieving anything

Placing you in a confined BOX.

that one house on the street your family grew up on that just won't change!

The fly that just will NOT leave!

The food that's "at home"


Not a pull not a push

Not a force not a being

It's so strong yet so weak

What is the past?

Trying to figure it out?



You passed the test!!

Really?! Or was that just the Past....

Giving disappointing results as always...

Trusting something that protected me is right!!... Right?...

The defense it brung me! The security...right?...

Then why does it hurt me sooo bad?

Why does the very thing that helped me hurt so bad?

Past? What is it?! Why can't the 'T' turn into 'S' so I can move Pass it!?

-Amori Haggerty March 28,2023 8:17 am

I started thinking about writing this while in my Math Prep class after a class discussion we had... I'm not going to say much because I want YOU to truly dig into this...feel this poem! Let me know your thoughts!!! As always, stay blessed!😚

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