deal with it

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Austin sighs as he wakes up, yet another day of the same routine he's had for years. Get up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. There is no point in finding a lover to make him happier, he's destined to out live them, forever, never to find peace in death. Austin has been cursed with immortality, passed down from his father's side if the family, due to one of his ancestors betraying a witch. Austin has never understood why the generations to follow had to suffer, but he dealt with it, shrugged it off, he cant change anything.

Austin begins to walk to work, a tired look on his  face, some people would be overjoyed if they were immortal, not Austin, because he knows that he will never live a normal life, never be able to settle down have a wife and kids. Well he could, but Austin gets attached to people, he couldn't even fathom falling in love and marrying the love of his life, only to watch her die and never meet again in the after life, if there was one.

Austin rubs his face with his hands, already wanting the day to be over. He spends the morning taking peoples drink orders and giving them their coffee, until a particular girl walks in, she catches his eye. He tries to turn his attention away to simply making coffees, but he can't, as he takes her order, he zones in on her voice, to anybody else it's a normal voice, nothing special, but to Austin, it sounds like an angel, soft, delicate,  he turns to make her drink, his mind analyzing everything about her, her hair, her eyes, the way she talked, her name, Grace . Austin paused for a second, thinking about how well that name fit her, everything about her seemed to be graceful.

as Austin finished her drink and handed it back to her, he hoped deep down she was just a tourist, that he would never see her again, he couldn't fall for a girl, he just couldn't, he wouldn't let himself. As grace went over to a small table by the window to sit and drink her coffee, Austin seemed to zone out, his mind continuing his thoughts, how pretty she was, how everything about her was perfect, her brown eyes, her hair, her dark skin. everything was perfect about her, she had no flaws, she was everything and more that he could have asked for. Austin sighed, knowing that, even if he did fall for a girl, he'd have to deal with it, push it deep down, bury his feelings, so maybe he would forget about them.

Austin continues his day, still thinking about grace, her style, her makeup, her curls, the way she smiled as she said thank you. As Austin goes home, his mind still filled with grace, he starts to wonder if there was a way to break this horrid curse that layed upon him. He would ask his father, but he's sure he'd get a false answer. His father, Edward, loved immortality, he could have many different identities, different wives, different lives. Edward never cared about true love, the only thing he truly loved was Austin and money of course.

Austin unlocks the door to his small apartment, hoping that someday he'd finish college and get a better job, in hope of making his father happy. He shrugged his bag off his shoulders, not bothering to put it in its correct spot. He flops down onto his bed, feeling conflicted with his feelings. How could he be falling I love with a girl he barely spoke  to? Was it even love?
He didn't know, he'd never let himself think this way before, but maybe just maybe, he could make this work. There was to be a way, somehow someway to make this curse stop. So Austin went the only place he knew. His father's house, or mansion rather. He knocked in the door, hoping his gather wouldn't be passed out, his father always stayed out late, living life to the fullest, parties, concerts, anything fun you could possibly do, he was there.

his father answered the door, his hair messy and in his face, "hey Austin" he says, and rubs his face, he opens the door wider and let's Austin in. "Why are you here, you never come to see me anymore"

"I don't come to see you because we see things very differently I need to know if there is a way to fix the curse." Austinanswers, knowing he'd get the same lecture of how he should be grateful.

"there is...but you need to learn how to live a little, have fun, so I'm not gonna tell you" his father laughs. Austin rolls his eyes and sighs. shaking his head head walking out the door just as quickly as he had come in.

The Curse Of Immortality Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant