who says dreams arent logical

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Austin stared in confusion at his father. "What do you mean you reversed your curse, on accident". Edward fixed his posture as he stared down at Austin.

"I simply just did, now, I'm sure if you work hard enough you'll figure it out for that little girlfriend of yours. As if it's gonna last, first loves never do"

Austin huffs- "if they never last, then we will be the first" Austin is sure of his words, sure that Grace would never break his heart, he knew he would never break hers. Edward shakes his head, running his hands through his hair.

"Look Austin I met a woman, one that I really care about. I don't want to hear a single thing about your mother" Austin's father wore a stern look across his face, his entire body tense with the mentioning of Austin's mother.

Austin's pale blue eyes met his father's green ones. "I never bring up mom, how could I? I  never knew her. Look, if you truly moved on that's fine, I can't be mad at you for loving someone, or not loving them. All I ask is please, do not intentionally break her heart. Me and you are different, I can't even imagine breaking Grace, you have been a heart breaker for years." Austin spews at his father, the stress of the school, work, and the fact him and grace have only spoken a few brief words in the past few days evident in his voice; although his father wad clueless about what he was actually stressed over.

"Austin, I don't know what your so stressed or upset about, but don't you dare take it out on me"

"You don't know because you don't care. If you called me once in awhile, you would know" Austin's angry, angrier than he ever had been at his father.

Edward was shocked at this sudden out burst. "Austin, don't you dare talk to me like that, I raised you. I am your father"

"I'm stressed because you know how to get me out of this curse, how I can be happy, and you won't let me know, and if you really broke the curse, doesn't That mean the curse is broken for everybody?" Austin was upset, although he was calming down, he still felt a tinge of anger.

"It would break it for everybody, only if its the youngest generation, so you" his father states as if it was obvious. "Dont disrespect me, I'm not immortal anymore, I'm going to die Austin, I don't know when or how. By I won't be here forever"

Austin's face softens as the sentence sinks  in, all his life he has heard that his father will be forever, and just like that, it has changed. Austin runs his hands through his hair, more stressed now than from the beginning of the day. He stares at the ground unsure of how to respond to this, "shouldn't you already be dead, your what 256? Or does it not count the hundreds?" Austin manages, past the shock, he realizes now, Grace won't be the only death he will have to mourn.

"255" Edward corrects, "but yes, I'm only 55 now, I guess" Edward didn't know that much about the curse either, most because he never minded it. "Son, I'll give you a hint of how to break it, it's right in front of you. Your too scared of the thing you want most"

On Austin's walk back to his apartment, his father's words repeating his head. He doesn't understand what he was scared of that would solve his problem. His fear of spiders, clowns, or the dark surely had nothing to do with this. Without thinking he pulled his phone out and sent a simple text to grace. "Come over?". The two lovers hadn't spoken since the library situation, and it was slowly eating away at him. Was his relationship falling apart? His dad was going to die, why is his life like this? Course he realized that he was bow gonna have to live like a normal person- well kind of, as of now he still wasn't gonna die.

Grace's reply came quicker than expected, he was unlocking his apartment door when he got the message that she was outside. He shrugged and sent another "door's unlocked. Come in" Grace opens the door and walks in as if she lives there; like she belongs with Austin.  Of course the reality is, she does belong with him. Forever and always.

She peeked her head into his bedroom, where he sat at his desk, his posture bent, as he stared at the wall, decorated with with printed pictures he had taken of sunrises; something he'd always loved. "Hey" her voice was soft, she fully stepped into the dimly lit room, pulling him out of his thoughts.

Looking up at her, he gives her a small smile. "My dad broke his curse" he looked back at the floor.

"Isn't that good? Does it mean yours is broke too?" Grace asked, not sure if she should be happy, or sad.

"No. In order to break everybody's curse it has to be the youngest generation. All that's gonna happen is he's gonna die and I can't do anything about it" Grace's face drops, feeling bad for him. "I just never thop101ught I'd have to prepare for that"

She says the only thing she cam think of. "I'm sorry" he nods and offers a smile. She knows he appreciates the gesture. She pulls a chair next to the desk, next to him and lays her head on Austin's shoulder. "Can you tell me about them?"


"The pictures, on your wall. Cam you tell me about them" Grace looks curiously up at the colorful pictures of the sky.

"Oh yeah. Me and my dad used to travel a lot, uhm the top row of pictures are from Florida. I started taking pictures when I was 11. See that one?" He points to a beautiful picture of the ocean with the silhouette of a gazebo. "First picture I ever took"

"Why don't you be a photographer? It seems to be something you like, your good at it too" her eyes scanned over the pictures.

"I don't think I could make a job out of it. Sure I could post the pictures but, I'm a logical person, following my dreams isn't logical"

"Who says dreams aren't logical?"

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