☆Chapter Six ☆

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Finally it was Saturday, what to do with my weekend? As soon as I asked my self that question, my phone began to ring. I picked up and it was Lilli, "Hey Lace!! Just wanted to ask if your doing anything?". "Nope not this weekend" I sighed, "Wanna stay over mine? I could walk to yours in about a half hour?", I responded "Oh yeah sure!! I'll pack some things now.", "Okay see ya then Lace!". I ended the phone call and smiled.

I finished packing soon enough and walked downstairs, "Hey mom, just wanted to let you know I'm staying at Lil's tonight. If that's okay?" I waited for a response. "Yeah sure that's fine, are u leaving now?", "yeah mom Lilli will be here soon", "okay then sweetie have a good time, call if you need anything". I kissed my mom on the cheek before turning around and heading for the door.

After sitting on my door step for a good 5 minutes I could see Lilli walking towards me so I stood up and moved towards her to give her a hug, "Hey Lil, long time no see!!" I said sarcastically knowing I had seen her only the day prior. "Pfft yeah right" we both laughed. After walking for a bit she opened her mouth, "So uh Lacey..." oh no what was she going to say?? "Yeah?" I replied suspiciously. "So I didn't tell you over the phone because I knew you would back out almost INSTANTLY but we're kinda going to a house party tonight.". I stopped walking "WHAT?!! I placed myself in front of her and grabbed her shoulders, "You know I'm not allowed to do that shit! My parents would kill me if they ever found out I went to a party!!". She held my arms to calm me down, "Yes yes I know, but I just wanted you to have a taste of the house party life you know? It's fun and you almost always end the night with making out with someone!", "Wow sounds real convincing Lil" I said raising an eyebrow. "Oh Lacey pleaseee I swear I'll never ask you to do anything ever again!!" she was clearly lying but it does seem like she really wants me to go to this, plus it will help me forget about everything with Jeremy. I paused, "uhhh fine, fine! But on one condition, you have to help me with an outfit". "Are you stupid or something? Do you even know me at all?" We both burst out laughing.

After about 20 minutes of walking we got to her house. "Oh yeah Lil I forgot to ask, who's party is it anyway?" I turned to face her, "You know that Melanie Leeland girl? It's her older brother, I think his name is George or something. He's friends with my brother, don't worry though most of our grade are invited too". Melanie Leeland, that name is familiar? Oh! I think that's the chick that's friends with Cole. Strangely, whenever I see her talking to him I feel weirdly jealous? Why? I don't like him or anything, at least I don't think I do. I wonder if he's going to be at the party too? Ugh Lacey stop with this Cole business, he probably doesn't even know what a party is.

Lilli opened her wardrobe in front of me, revealing more dresses than actual clothes. "So what we feeling? A dress or?", "Well I don't think there's anything else I can choose from!" I said jokingly. "Fine suit yourself then" she took a heap of dresses out and threw them on her bed. "Come here" she said holding up a dress against me, "Go try this on" "Yes boss" I saluted her as I left the room.

She made me try on a like a MILLION different dresses until she eventually settled on a dress that wasn't too short neither too long. It was a sparkly, dark red colour and it had short sleeves. I liked it but I had my own input and put on the cropped denim jacket that I wore to her house. Now that I think of it, I always wear this jacket. Even Lilli said I wouldn't be myself without it. We finished off the outfit with my red converse shoes, my big shiny star earrings and a pair of sun glasses that I placed on my head.

Lilli picked out her own outfit which included her short black dress with ties at the side, a white and black varsity jacket and white Fila shoes. "Look at us!! We're so hot." I rolled my eyes, "More like YOU look so hot". She stopped and turned around with a pretend disgusted look on her face, as if I had just admitted to killing someone or something! "Lacey what do you mean!! You look sexy as shit and I'm not just saying that because your my friend! Everyone's gonna have their eyes on you and I know it", "whatever" I said making it obvious I was trying to hold back a smile. "Are you putting on make up? I'm doing mine now" Lil asked, "Yeah but probably not loads, don't want my skin to break out again". We laughed.

I waited for Lil to finish putting on her makeup since I finished before her. It felt like a decade before she said "Okay let's sneak out now while we can, my parents don't know we're going, so we better go before they come home.", "What?!? Lilli I wish you would tell me these things BEFORE we make the decisions, god!". "It's okayyyy Lacey" she nuzzled my slightly curled hair "we are not gonna get caught, do you know how many times I've done this?", "Yeah fine whatever let's just go now before I change my mind" I said as I eagerly opened the door and started making my way downstairs. "See Lace I knew you had it in you!". I really don't but I don't wanna let her down, besides this should be fun anyway right?

A.N: word count-1036
School is officially over so now I have a lot more free time. Chapter updates should be more frequent!

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