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the day of the outbreak

Logan, Carl, and Sophia were all sitting in the back of the truck. Logan was watching Sophia and Carl play checkers while Aria was near by
"Are we gonna go soon?" Sofia asked her mom

"I don't know, baby. I sure hope so." Carol told her daughter

"I'm hungry."

"I know, Carl. We all are." Lori says

"Why don't I get him something to eat?" Carol suggested  "Ed's into all this survival stuff. We've got enough MREs to feed a small army."

"I'd sure appreciate it." Lori says jumping down off the ramp

"No trouble." Carol said walking to her truck before Ed shuts the door "What in the hell did you tell her that for?We don't even know these damn people."

"Those kids are hungry. We can spare one box." 

"It's called operational security.How long do you think this stuff is gonna last if you keep running your damn mouth off to everybody we meet?" Ed snaps

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Carol says walking off

"You getting anything?" Lori asked leaning in by the car

"There's nothing." Shane tells her

"Big surprise there."

"No, I mean there's nothing.Emergency broadcast system stopped, and that recording about the refugee center.It's all gone.I'm gonna go up the road, see what I can see." Shane says getting out the car

"I'll come with you." Lori says following him

"Ed must have forgot to pack those MREs. I found these in my purse." Carol said giving Lori some snacks for the twins and Aria.

"It's all right. Listen, do you mind keeping an eye on the twins and Aria for a minute? Shane and I are gonna go scout up ahead a little bit and see if we can find someone that knows what's going on."

"I want to come with you." Carl tells his mom as she pushes his hair back


"Hey, we'll be back before you know it. Okay, little man, huh?" Shane says patting his head before him and Lori walk off

"Why would they stop broadcasting about the refugee center?" Lori asks Shane

"I don't know."

"Think they're turning people away?"

"They're gonna have a riot on their hands if they try."  Shane says.

"Your dad's nice." Sophia says making Aria looks over to her "Shane's not our dad."

"Our dad's dead."  Carl tells her as an explosion comes from the city and fights start to break out.
Aria holds the twins close to her side as they stare at the city.

"What do we do?" Lori asks Shane as they see the helicopters come their way

"Come here. We're gonna do what Rick would have wanted us to do, get you, the twins, and Aria. out of here. Keep in contact with Sky, we'll meet up with her"

"That's not lightning." Lori says as the helicopters fly over them

"You stay with me now. Come on." Shane says and they go deeper down the road then into the woods

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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