The Red Thread Movement

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                         The Red Thread Movement is one step towards ending sex trafficking all around the world. Currently the organization focuses primarily on girls in Nepal, India because trafficking there is very common and Nepal's sex trafficking recordings have been reported to be one of the highest amount of girls/teens/women sold in the world.

               For those of you that don't know what sex trafficking is I can tell you that it's nothing you ever want a part of. Girls/Teens/Women, and occassionally men too, are sold into a slavery of sorts where they are forced to have sex with whoever pays for their time, in most cases the girls get no money and are often abused mentally,physically and verbally.

            When a girl leaves a trafficking brothel she isn't a girl anymore, she is a woman; not because of age but because of their life experiences. Being in a brothel changes a person and I hope no one reading this has or ever will be involved  in a brothel for any reason. This story is to create awareness and to put things in motion. Sex trafficking happens all around the world and it can be stopped. - Google the Red Thread Movement...


Chicago, Illinois,U.S.A.  - 6:30 P.M.

     It was late out in the city but you wouldn't know that from any of the buildings. Everyone had been working longer because of the economical slump. The evening wind nipped at the legs of those unlucky enough to be out in it and the ever-deepening color of the sky cast an onimous look to the surroundings of the city.

    Two girls walked down a narrow street, close to one of the many parking garages found in Chicago. The arms closest to each other were linked together and the girls walked briskly. They were of different ethnicities. One girl was tall and slender, she had the body of an athlete and a hispanic face. The other girl had modest curves at her hips and chest, she was short and black in race.

      From the shadows a man watched the girls come nearer to his hiding place. Soon enough the girls would be bombarded by the man and his companions. The man ground his slightly yellowed teeth together and his shoulders twitched with agitation as the girls slowed their pace.

     The short, African-American girl spoke in a quiet, wondering voice; "Alexis - wait, slow down I think I saw - I think there's some-" The hispanic girl, Alexis cut her off. "Amber relax there's nothing over there just a lot of shadows, you're still freaked out from the movie let's just get to the car."

      The man cursed in his mind as he listened in on the girls conversation, they would have to come at the girls sooner than planned - the black girl - Amber - was going to figure out that shadows couldn't exactly move on thier own any second now. A gleam of silver could be seen from where Amber and Alexis stood as the man pulled out a short knife, seemingly from his side.

      "Alexis stop. Seriously I think there's -"

     It wasn't Alexis that cut Amber off this time, this time it was the man holding his grimy knife to her neck that stopped Amber's words. "Amber, such a nice name." Amber shivered as the man's breathe snaked its way into her ear. A shrill scream made Amber turn her head sharply, momentarily forgetting about the knife and earning herself a shallow cut to the neck. Alexis was struggling against two attackers and despite her self-defense classes she was failing. In under five minutes the girls were in the back of a white van chloroformed and gagged.

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