Chapter 1: Every story has a pilot!

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Welcome to the remake of Union Academy's Purple Dragon.

This story features references to the original story and is a direct inspiration from Hambo_Again Union Academy story that has the protag using abilities from kingdom hearts.

I didn't like my original Union Academy story because it wasn't going anywhere.

This story is also a inspiration to lightcero Union Academy story.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy reading this story because I had alot of fun writing it.


In a vast, open plain, two mighty dragons faced off against each other. The first dragon was fierce, with blonde hair and purple eyes that blazed with an intense flame. The second dragon had black hair and aquamarine eyes that glowed with a thunderous power.

"This constant display of weakness has gone on long enough, my dear!" The black dragon exclaimed, exasperated by her lover's advocacy for peace across the many realms. Only hope and peace were deemed acceptable, with no room for chaos or despair.

"You forget the atrocities you have committed in the name of chaos and despair," the purple dragon interjected, reminding them of the countless worlds she had destroyed while indulging in her bodied destructive tendencies.

"So we're just to let the elder gods continue creating their precious fucking hybrid worlds? You have become soft, Hope, too soft." Her speech was laced with her ancient dialect as she brandished her gauntlets, the blue lightning it generated causing the sky to grow dark and cold.

"Despair, don't force me to take action. You know what will befall us if you do. The Mother Of Darkness created me to rein you in," Hope warned, his hand inching closer to the hilt of his sword.

 The Mother Of Darkness created me to rein you in," Hope warned, his hand inching closer to the hilt of his sword

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Hope and Despair

"I'm done following her design. I will not be a pawn in her research any longer. Instead, I will destroy the many worlds created by those fucking gods," Despair seethed, her expression filled with a deadly fury.

Hope responded by unsheathing his sword and adopting a defensive stance, the rain beginning to cascade down heavily upon the two dragons.

"Despair, you cannot let your rage cloud your judgement. We must find a better way to solve our problems," Hope warned, his voice resolute.

But Despair was beyond reason, her eyes blazing with fury as she prepared to strike.

"Say goodbye to your sweet storm, Hope." Despair shouted, as Hope let out a loud battlecry as the black dragon charged towards it, ready to strike. The two clashed, slashing and blasting at each other with ferocity. The purple dragon unleashed fire, causing the ground around them to smoulder and the underbrush to ignite.

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