Chapter 2: Firepower people! Firepower!

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Here's the new chapter of Unions Strongest Dragon! Let me know your thoughts on it.

P.S: Check out ice_heater he had helped with this chapter and I couldn't help but thank him enough.

Also, enjoy the manga panels!

In the depths of a vast and impenetrable forest, a petite girl resembling a younger version of Ruby Rose stood solitary. With black hair adorned by vibrant red streaks, her captivating round eyes shimmered in a graceful silver hue. Draped in a sleeveless red hoodie and a black skirt, the addition of a crimson cloak attached to her attire suggested her intentions to navigate through the forest. Yet, her visage betrayed the hint of sorrow, her eyes still swollen and puffy from recent tears.

The little girl bore the evidence of her accidental perilous journey, marked by scrapes and minor abrasions on her arms, legs, and elbows. Sniffling softly, she bravely sought an escape from the labyrinthine thicket that held her captive. Unbeknownst to her, navigating this forbidden territory required the explicit permission of its inhabitants, a kingdom known for its gems of this mystical realm known as-

The land of Dragons.

This kingdom harboured a myriad of dangers, rendering it infamous for its treacherous terrain and the menacing creatures that roamed within. Even the most harmless herbivores in this realm possessed the potential to become lethal assailants, making survival a perilous and relentless challenge.

The little girl stumbled and tumbled down a steep hill, her small frame unable to keep her balance. As she fell, her forearm collided with a sharp rock, leaving a deep, jagged cut that would undoubtedly leave a permanent scar. Eventually, her unfortunate descent brought her to a mysterious forest clearing, devoid of any signs of life. Ruby slowly rose to her feet, wincing as she cradled her bleeding forearm, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings.

Regret washed over Ruby as she realised the consequences of venturing away from her mother. She had brought her here to witness the dazzling glimmer gem festival, an enchanting display put on by dragons in the radiant sky both day and night. How could she have been so foolish to stray from her mother's side?

Suddenly, Ruby's eyes shot open, alert to the sound of a monstrous creature approaching. It resembled a blend of an armadillo and a prehistoric aquatic dinosaur.

 It resembled a blend of an armadillo and a prehistoric aquatic dinosaur

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Its powerful sense of smell is drawn to the scent of her blood. Eager to claim its next meal, the creature advanced into the clearing with a fervent excitement.

Overwhelmed with fear, Ruby collapsed onto the ground, her heart pounding in her chest. She closed her eyes, resigned to the inevitable end that awaited her. Just as the creature leaped towards her, jaws gaping wide, a blur of vibrant purple streaked past, tackling the beast in midair. The creature crashed into a nearby tree, emitting a cry of pain.

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