Saving Shattermaster

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Y/n was lonely for a very long time. Five years in fact, so when it came to love you could say they were out of the game. So when Toothless started the day with this

Toothless: Sorry love but can you take me to the surface now?

Y/n: Love.... he called me love..... love

Toothless: Um Y/n?

Over the next couple of days Toothless bombarded Y/n with cute love names. He saw that it broke them, and he found it adorable. Which led to now, Y/n being pampered by the Defenders of the Wing

Y/n: I don't see why we can't stay here instead of the edge~

Windshear: Because we're not all big and praised like you. Also where is Maga?

Y/n: Oh? I left him with a friend

Hookfang: You have friends?

*With Maga*

Maga: I AM A GOD. Bow before me!

Infront of Maga stood tons of Fireworms all looking at him confused before copying his movements. This of course pleased the ego child

Fireworm Q: "He needs people his own age. Also if he gets sassy ignore him, he hates the silent treatment. Enjoy the playdate"

*Back with the group*

Y/n: Forced therapist and fuck you

Toothless: Focus please

Hiccup: So this hooded stranger, he risked his own life to save you?

Mala: If it weren't for him, who knows what would've happened.

Hiccup: And you've bought weapons on this island before?

Mala: Yes, for many years.

Heather: It never used to be like that. That island was always a peaceful place to trade.

Hiccup: Heather, we should go see what those Hunters are up to. Thank you for fillin' us in, Mala. It was good that you sent for us.

Mala: Actually, I summoned you for another reason completely.

Tuffnut: Hiccup. You are not gonna believe this. Hiya Queenie. Looking good black is definitely working for you. Shara, sexy as ever

Toothless: Damn right

Y/n: Excuse me?

Ruffnut: This may be the greatest day ever.

Tuffnut: No it is the greatest day ever. I mean, except for the first time I wrestled a boar. Whoa That was spectacular, or the second time I wrestled a boar.

Astrid: All right, out with it.

Tuffnut: Easy A. This is too good to just blurt out. The village is setting up for some big crazy looking to do.

Astrid: So?

Ruffnut: We asked a couple of the natives, "What's the deal?" And do you know what they said?

Hiccup: Probably something like "It's none of your business."

Tuffnut: Many of them said that at first. But then, they said it was for The Trials.

(Httyd x Shara reader) Feel The PressureWhere stories live. Discover now