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Someone once told me you can't get everything you want in life, life doesn't work that way, and life can be every bit of cruelty but you continue to try, and I did I tried, tried, tried, and tried again and I made it to where I want to be.

     My name is Y/n Y/l/n and this is my story.
It all started six years ago when I was off to college. I had always wanted to go to college and be the first to finish college in my family it was a struggle but I managed. I went to college, where I met my beautiful wife, with whom I now have three adorable children.
We had some good times and tough times but managed to save our relationship and now we have a family together.
The family I never thought I would get after coming out, but I managed to find someone who loves and supports me and is a wonderful mother to our children.

      Six Years Ago

"Y/n get up we're going to be late," my sister says hitting me with a pillow.
"Five more minutes," I say covering my head with the blanket
"You said that ten minutes ago now let's go or else your gonna miss your flight"
We arrive at the airport and I say goodbye to my sister, my lifelong supporter.
My sister has always supported my choices when the rest of my family didn't. My sister was the first person I came out to, I transitioned about a year ago and my sister helped me through the process as much as she could. I moved in with her after coming out to my parents and they disowned me, told me it was just a phase, and when I talked back telling them it wasn't that this is who I have always been they kicked me out.
About two months before coming out to my parents I found out that I was adopted, it made sense though since they treated me like shit since my brothers were born, they adopted me cause they wanted another kid after my sister but continued to be unsuccessful, three years after they adopted me they had my brother and said screw you. I haven't met my birth parents yet, I don't even know if they're alive.

After getting kicked out of my parent's house I got two part-time jobs that way I could help my sister out with groceries and bills since I was living with her.
I managed to save money for college but ended up getting a full-ride scholarship to NYU.

I finally graduated high school and now I'm going to college, my dream college of all places.


New York University I can't believe I finally made it. I Cant believe it I've waited forever for this moment especially because I've wanted to go to college forever, I also wanted to go because I knew it would let me get away from my parents faster.


When I get to my dorm I throw everything on my bed and pull my laptop out and sit at the desk next to my bed and open my emails to look for my schedule

To: Y/n.Y/l/n@ nyuni.edu

Cc: Epompeo@ nyuni.edu

Fr: Fpugh@ nyuni.edu

Subject: '28-'29 Schedule

Dear Y/n,

We are glad to have you join us this school year, as you know we have approved a scholarship for you to join us and earn your Associate Degree we are happy you choose NYU to pursue your degree, and we hope you choose to stay here throughout the years. As agreed with your scholarship you will have to get an internship that goes along with your degree for your first year here, take a language course for every year you are here, and start your second year to become a TA. We hope you enjoy your time here at NYU, get settled into your dorm comfortably, and read over your schedule, we do suggest you print out your schedule or have it on your cellular device and figure out where all your lectures/classes are before the first day of lectures we wouldn't want you being late to your lectures, many tardies, skipping class, could result in you losing your scholarship, if you are sick and are unable to make it please email your professors and Cc me so we are aware and can get you office hours. Your student id badge will allow you into all the buildings. Have a wonderful rest of your week before lectures start.! Any questions feel free to email me or stop by I'm in my office all of this week till noon.


Dean/administrator; Florence Pugh

Your 2028-2029 lecture schedule

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

Lecture 1: Russian; 8 am-10am Professor Johansson

Lecture 2: English; 11 am-1 pm Professor Capshaw

Tuesdays and Thursdays

Lecture 1: Theatre; 9 am- 11am Professor Benoist

  Lecture 2: Culinary; 1 pm- 3 pm Professor Spampinato

East Side Buildings: English, Theatre, History

West Side Buildings: Culinary, Science, Math, Criminal Justice

South Side Buildings: Language and Early Childhood, Cosmetology

North buildings: Dorms and Business Offices

A/n: Sorry for the short chapter I've had major writers block

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