Chapter 1 The Decision

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I don't know how to write Harry's accent so there won't really be anything that has to do with he's accent I don't know how to write it so I have chosen not to anyways Enjoy

Hades POV

Me and Lucifer were laying on the couch,Lucifer in between my legs on top of me sleeping peacefully until there was a loud bang of someone coming into the cave. Soon after the bang Celia ran into the room "Sir, you got a letter from Auradon!" Celia said hurriedly "1 are you joking and 2 be quiet my little fairy is trying to sleep" I respond straight after I felt Lucifer shifting "ugh" he mumbled "It's okay Little fairy go back to sleep shh shh" I whisper too him while rubbing his head "Sir what do I do with the letter?" Celia asked in a whisper "Hand it over" I demanded she gave me the letter

Dear,Lucifer son of Hades

We would like to invite you to attend Auradon prep has one of the Villain Kids for a new program to give VK's a chance of a real life the decision to do this program was decided by King Ben. If you accept you will attend Auradon Prep with Mal daughter of Maleificent, Carlos son of Cruella, Evie daughter of The Evil Queen, and Jay son of Jafar.Please report back as soon as possible if you will be attending you have 4 days to respond.

—The Royal Court—

"Dad what is that" Lucifer asked half awake "It's a letter from Auradon here" I responded giving him the letter "WHAT ME IN AURDON!!"He yelled in rage "Yes however you will be the one responsible of deciding whether you go or not, I will not make this decision for you" I said softly "Okay but I'm gonna have to talk to Uma,Harry and Gil about this." He says with hesitation "why must you speak to them first?" I said with anger "Cause I will only go if Gil,Harry,and Uma don't mind I don't wanna leave them here by themselves if they're gonna be upset" "Okay fairy go talk to them then tell me how it goes" I respond in a quiet manner.

With the pirates 3rd POV

"What the hell do you mean they are going to Auradon!"Yelled a boy in a red jacket with a hook in hand "I don't know I heard Carlos and Jay talking about how they and Mal and Evie get to leave this dump,and that Maleficent was gonna go make sure Lucifer was going.Something like that!"A blond boy said to the boy with the hook "Okay calm down you too we can figure this out" A girl with blue hair and dark skin said "Why should we be calm!!" The boys yelled

"Cause if Lucifer walks in and sees you yelling he will get scared and I personally don't want to scary him cause has Gil heard he also got invited so he will probably already be scared I don't need to scary him anymore so SHUT THE FUCK UP GIL AND HARRY!" The blue haired girl softly stated yelling at the end "U-uma" the boys stuttered out

"What?" Uma responds coldly "You might want to turn around." Harry said rather quietly Uma turned around rolling her eyes just to lock eyes with a scared boy with horns and wings "Love it's okay everything is gonna be okay, now what's wrong? What happened?" Uma said in a hushed tone.

The winged boy just started to cry "Lucifer what's wrong?" Harry said softly "I-I..." Lucifer stuttered out stopping himself "Come here raven" Gil said gently opening his arms for a hug Lucifer ran into his arms digging his head into Gil's chest crying.

"Its okay shh everything's gonna be alright." Gil whispered rubbing Lucifer's back,Lucifer kept sobbing " 3 2 1 and up" Gil said before grabbing Lucifer's legs and pulling them around his waist Lucifer chuckled lightly then continued crying clinging to Gil with his head in the crock of Gil's neck.

Harry POV

Gil continued to rub Lucifer's back, while me and Uma were talking " I think he needs to get off of this isle he deserves it more then anyone." Uma said quietly so beastie couldn't hear "Agreed plus he is friends with Jay and Carlos so if something happens he has Jay and Carlos. As much has we want him to stay in are sights he needs to get off this isle." I said looking at Beastie as he was now calmed down playing and laughing with the crew he really brings out the best in them.

"HEY BEASTIE, WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO YOU GONNA STAY HERE OR GO TO AURADON!" I yell over the crew " umm I don't know I wanna stay with you guys but I wanna see what it's like out there." Beastie said quietly "Well I agree with you,you should go see what it's like." Uma said in an excited voice has to tell him we aren't mad "I think I'm not gonna go I have to learn a bunch of different things and I don't get to see my dad. Plus my magic is only suppressed here if I leave it will be like I'm drowning in magic and dad won't be there to help me." He said in worry

"Well Jay and Carlos are gonna be there also learn new things so they can help you." Gil said trying to make Diablo want to go.Beastie look upset "S-so y-you wa-ant m-me to l-l-leave?" He said about to cry again "Oh no no no Beastie you got it all wrong we want you to get off this dump we don't want to leave you at all we just... want you to be able to eat something and not worry if you're gonna be sick or not we want you to be able to take late night walks and not have to worry if you're gonna get stabbed." I said looking at Lucifer he still looked upset "Here let's make a deal"he immediately looked happy again "you have to go and live in Auradon for at least 3-4 months if you still don't like it and I'm not talking we're not there you don't like it I'm talking people are mean the place is not nice and you just don't like it you can come back to the isle okay and if you do like it we will try to find a way to get off the isle and come to you deal?" I finished putting my hand out Lucifer thought about it for a minute before he lit his hand on fire indicating he was gonna seal the deal.

"Ofcouse and you will know I if I truely don't like it cause a god can't lie or break their end of the deal." Beastie said happily I grabbed his hand has the blue fire engulfed my hand sealing the deal "Welp better go tell my dad I'm leaving."

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