Chapter 4 Final goodbyes

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Lucifer along with the whole pirate crew are going to Shan Yu's Dim Sims for well dim sims as we enter Dealer was in front messing around with some of the crew members however it was to quiet here Diablo started staring at one corner after a little Shan Yu came out from the corner with a wooden box 

Lucifer along with the whole pirate crew are going to Shan Yu's Dim Sims for well dim sims as we enter Dealer was in front messing around with some of the crew members however it was to quiet here Diablo started staring at one corner after a littl...

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"I know you would come, here enjoy" Shan Yu says gently giving the box to Dealer with a soft smile "Thanks Shan Yu hey I've always wondered if you had to go to war again would you pick against or with Mulan?" Lucifer says/asks smiling taking the box of what I believe are Dim Sims

Shan Yu is surprised by the question but still answers "I would pick with Mulan I may not fully like her since she did defeat me but I respect her greatly she is my favorite warrior by far." He says with a slight smile laughing lightly at the end "Good to know" Diablo said opening his wings and fly off "KING WHERE YOU GOING!" Some crew members yell

 "I HAVE TO GET SAY BYE TO SOME PEOPLE ITS IMPORTANT!" He yells clearly in a hurry some of the crew looked disappointed they were being left "Hey leave him be we can met him at the isle of entrances for goodbyes" I say receiving nods

"Uma" Shan Yu calls out I turn to him letting him know I'm listening "Give this to Lucifer I think he deserves it." He says holding out a beautiful dagger with chinese writing engraved on the blade that looks custom made he then gives me a holster "I'll make sure he get it" I say putting the blade into the black holster

" He says holding out a beautiful dagger with chinese writing engraved on the blade that looks custom made he then gives me a holster "I'll make sure he get it" I say putting the blade into the black holster

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(The writing is one the front side of the dagger the one with the Jewel the writing is 



火焰 )

Me and the crew walk out I give the dagger to Harry and give him a stern look "Make sure NO ONE STEALS THAT" I state yelling at the end "Yes ma'am." He says putting the dagger into a pocket on the inside of his coat 

Lucifer POV

I start to fly to the other side of the isle to say bye to Shadow man and Celia I walk into the arcade yelling out a HELLO VOODOO I hear a chuckle and a giggle as Dr. Facilier and Celia walk towards me Celia running to me jumping up and giving me a hug I catch her in my arms "Well hello Celia how are you doing today?" I ask "Good I Heard you were going to Auradon that true?" She half asks me "Yeah I kinda don't wanna go I'm gonna miss your little voodoo tricks" I say with a smile "Well Little demon you are always welcome back here if you ask me I think almost all of the isle likes you besides Malificent" Dr. Facilier says chuckling pulling me into a hug as I still carry Celia 

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