Chapter Two

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~Word Count = 1107~

~AN: '---' means it's happening in someone's head~

~Timeskip to Monday after breakfast~

Yachi: "Hey Y/n, Kiyoko where are you going?"

Y/n: "The coaches wanted us to great the new team once they get here."

Kiyoko: "If you want you can come with us?" She said looking at Yachi.

Yachi: "No I am fine I will just head over to the gym." She said nervously.

Kiyoko: "That fine I know you get nervous around people."

Y/n: "Yeah it's fine, but can you tell Nekoma that I will be there soon?"

Yachi: "Of course I can Y/n. Anyways see ya later."

Kiyoko & Y/n: "See ya." You guys said in unison.

~Timeskip to outside~

~With the Obey me crew~

~AN: Btw they are in a bus that Solomon is driving to get to the training camp as to not look suspicious.~

Barbatos: "Okay before we get there does everyone know their volleyball position and grade year?" He said standing in the front of the bus.

Obey me crew (-Barbatos): "Yes."

Barbatos: "Okay then tell me."

Chichi: "First year manager, Chichi."

~AN: I am switching Chichi's age to 15~

Luke: "Also a first-year manager, Luke."

Solomon: "The coach Solomon."

Asmo: " Second year libero, Asmo."

Beel: "First year Outside Hitter and Ace, Beel."

Satan: "Second year Outside hitter, Satan."

Diavolo: "Third year Outside Hitter, Diavolo."

Mammon: "Third year Middle blocker, Mammon."

Belphie: "First year Middle blocker, Belphie."

Simeon: "Third year Middle Blocker and Captain, Simeon."

Levi: "Second year setter, Levi."

Barbatos: "And I am the secondary coach. Now Chichi who's in the starting lineup."

Chichi: "Levi, Mammon, Simeon, Beel, Satan, Diavolo, and Asmo."

Barbatos: "Correct, now Solomon did you use the spell to give everyone regular human strength."

Solomon: "Yes I did before we got to the human realm. It will last until the training camp is over and we can go back to devildom. And we are here anything else you wanna say Barbatos?"

Barbatos: "Okay well since we are here just remember, for all they know everyone in this bus is human and can't use magic."

~With that everyone got off the bus with their stuff. When everyone was of they saw two girls walking up to them, one that was oddly familiar.~

Kiyoko: "Hello you guy must be the school R.A.D if I'm correct."

Solomon: "Yes you are correct, who are you two?" He said with a smile.

Kiyoko: " I am Kiyoko Shimizu third year manager for Karasuno."

Solomon: "And you little one?"

You didn't say anything just stared with a slight glare and grabbing onto Kiyoko's sleeve. To the brothers the glare was very familiar something they would see regularly. That glare from you sent shivers down some of their spines.

Kiyoko: "Sorry for her she get very skeptical over new people, but don't worry she should warm up soon. Anyways she is Y/n L/n, First year and the only manager for Nekoma."

Barbatos: "Well it's nice to meet you. It's good to know Chichi isn't the only first year manager."

Y/n: "I'm not the only first year manager, there is also one in Karasuno." You said still holding the glare.

Chichi: "It's nice to meet you both I hope we can be friends." She said walking up to you and Kiyoko."

Y/n: "Yea, I hope." You said removing your glare when she came up to you.

This little detail didn't go unnoticed by Barbatos.

Kiyoko: "Anyways we will lead you guy to your dorms. All the managers share a room, the coaches also share a room. The rest of you guys will have your own room separate from the other teams."

Diavolo: "Okay that sounds nice!" He said with a smile.

Y/n: "Before we show you your rooms I have to ask, that little blond one looks a little young to be here. How old are you?" You said pointing to Luke.

Luke: "I'm Luke 10 years old. I'm an accelerated student and became a manager. I actually have a question." He said smiling.

Kiyoko: "What is your question?"

Luke: "You said all managers sleep in the same room, but since I'm a boy should I sleep in a different room?" He said tilting his head.

Y/n: "I don't think any of the girls would mind you sleeping in the same room since your ten but, if you feel uncomfortable sleeping in the same room as a few girls then I am sure we could come to a different conclusion. " You said giggling slightly and crossing your arms.

Luke: "Okay." He said smiling.

Mammon: 'She seems so much warmer than Lucifer, is she really his reincarnation?' He thought slightly questioning if Barbatos was right.

Kiyoko: "Anyways let's lead you to your rooms before lunch starts."

Y/n: "Yea." You said walking away with Kiyoko.

~Timeskip to before lunch~

~With the Obey me Crew~

~All the new people (-Chichi and Luke, they are at lunch) are talking in one room~

Beel: "Finally we can start lunch. But oddly I don't feel as hungry as usual."

Belphie: "Yeah that is weird, I also don't feel as sleepy."

Solomon: "Oh yeah when I put the spell to give you average human abilities, for you two I also lowered down how much your sin affects you. I didn't want Beel eating everything or Belphie falling asleep on the court."

Belphie: "Oh okay."

Mammon: "That Y/n girls glare reminded me of Lucifer. Barbatos is she his reincarnation?" He said with a slight shiver remembering your glare.

Barbatos: "Yes she is. I did not expect her to resemble Lucifer so much though. But it seems that she can tell something is off with us."

Satan: "Huh, how so?" He said looking at Barbatos.

Barbatos: "Well I could see her gaze soften when looking at Luke and Chichi. Almost like she knew they would not be a threat."

Simeon: "I think I understand. They don't emit a dangerous aura so she trusts them more seeing as her primary goal is to protect humans."

Satan: "Yeah, Like Barbatos said she is an Oni, Oni's primary goal is to protect demons from angels and humans. But because she has been with humans her whole life her primary goal shifted to protecting humans from angels and other demons."

Levi: "There is only one thing that doesn't make sense. Luke is an angle, and Chichi emits a small amount of demonic energy because of her pacts. So Why does she trust them?"

Diavolo: "That is very confusing, I could see her not trusting Solomon as he produces much more demonic energy but Chichi's is more sinister because she has only made pacts with higher ranking demons"

Barbatos: "Why her gaze softened with them still alludes me but, I believe we will all know in due time. Anyways Let us all go to the cafeteria and remember they probably won't have the same food we have in devildom."

Beel: "I will be sure to remember that." He said running to the cafeteria.

Diavolo: "Heh, let us go."

With that they all left to lunch.

New Demon; Haikyuu x Demon!Reader x Obey meWhere stories live. Discover now