Chapter Three

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~Word count= 1050~

~At the end of lunch~

Y/n: "Everyone lunch time is over, finish up quickly and get back to the court!" You said before walking out of the cafeteria.

Nishinoya: "Aw man, I was hoping to get thirds."

Tanaka: "Yeah, same man."

They both said sadly.

Tsukishima: "You guys are such fat asses."

Tanaka: "Hey respect you senpai's!"

Nishinoya: "Yeah!"

Daichi: "Both of you shut up!"

Hinata: "Yeah lets go Kageyama!" He said running to the door.

Kageyama: "Slow down boke."

Yaku: "Come on everyone lets go."

Yamamoto: "Yeah I wanna go against Tanaka and Nishinoya again!" He said running off.

Lev: "Do we have to?"

Kuroo: "Yes, and come on Kenma."

Kenma: "Fine but only because Y/n said so." He said still looking at his game.

Kuroo: "Y'know it hurts when you say stuff like that."

Kenma: "That the point." He said slowly walking out the cafeteria.

Bokuto: "Let's go Akaashi!"

Akaashi: "Yes Bokuto."

After some people talked everyone had left to gym and went back to the court.

~With you and Kiyoko.~

Kiyoko: "Hey, Y/n do you have a problem with the new team?"

Y/n: "Huh, why do you ask?"

Kiyoko: "Because when they first got here you were giving glares to everyone except the two managers. So I was wondering if you have a vendetta against them or something."

Y/n: "I don't have a vendetta. It's just that something doesn't seem right with all of them even the managers, but at the same time they all feel so familiar like... Never mind it's not important, just forget what I said. Kay?"

Kiyoko: "Okay, but if something happens tell me okay."

Y/n: "Yeah I will, now lets go into the gym."

Kiyoko: "Okay."

With that you both walking into the large gym were all the teams are.

Y/n: "Ohh~ this is interesting." You said looking at a clipboard.

Yachi: "What is it?" She said walking over to you.

Y/n: "The new team R.A.D. is going to play against Shiratorizawa first." You said as you look up at Yachi.

Yachi: "But aren't they the new team!" She said slightly in distress.

Kiyoko: "Yes they are."

Y/n: "Well lets go watch shall we."

Kiyoko: "We shall."

With that Kiyoko, Yachi, and you watch them teams play.

~Timeskip after the match~

Yachi: "Well they didn't win but they put up a fight!"

Kiyoko: "Yes they did. What did you think Y/n?"

Y/n: "It was fun to watch them be crushed."

???: "Hello girls~ Y/n are you still being a sadist?"

Y/n: "Hello Tendou." You said without looking at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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