Chapter 10

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Y/n frowned hearing her strong language, gulping as she hesitated on speaking to her, she avoided the dark gaze of the unknown woman. 

The woman scoffed, hardly grabbing Y/n's jaw and making their eyes meet, "I asked you something, who the f!$k are you?"

"I don't think she has to answer you"

Both their eyes turned to the man standing next to the door. The woman let go of Y/n's jaw and faced the man completely, "Why not, Heesung?" She crossed her arms over her chest, glaring at him.

"She works for Mr. Jeon. That's all you need to know"

The woman lifted her eyebrow in amusement, "Oh so she works for Jungkook?" she turned to look at Y/n, "Then what the f!$k is she doing sitting over here?"

Heesung hissed, he despised this woman to the core, but still couldn't take a step forward to kick her out of this office himself without his boss's orders.

"Boss made her sit there"

Y/n silently sat there, her gaze on her lap and she unknowingly wished for Jungkook to come back. She wanted to see a familiar face. 


"Ask him yourself Mia"

Mia glared at Y/n, rolling her eyes she sat on the couch across her and intensely kept her eyes on the poor soul. Heesung sighed, he would have immediately left the place, if not for his boss who had ordered him to keep an eye on Y/n.

Three different types of silence filled the air, awkward, annoying and anger. Y/n played with the hem of her dress with her trembling fingers. Her eyes still on her lap, rings of the iris wishing to see that familiar face and pull her out of this stare from this woman sitting in front of her. But... would he help her? Why would he? Just like the man said, she works for him. 

Heesung glanced at Mia, nerves popping in his neck at the hatred he felt for this woman, she was disgusting. Too disgusting that he had wished millions of time to go against his boss and just throw her out of his sight. 

The door opened and walked in Jungkook. Y/n's eyes glistened seeing him and Mia noticed it. Standing up from the couch, she turned around to face Jungkook with a wide smile on her red thick lips. Jungkook looked at her and rolled his eyes, a desperate lazy sigh leaving his lips.

Y/n pressed her lips into a thin line when his eyes met hers, he stared at her. She didn't break the eye contact, she was feeling so suffocated under that woman's intense stare. She felt something heavy being lifted from her chest upon seeing him. 

Mia embraced Jungkook and he broke the eye contact, pushing the woman away, he glared at her. He wouldn't have even hesitated in kicking her out if she wasn't his father's best friend's daughter.

Jungkook once again looked at Y/n, he poked his inner cheek with his tongue seeing her eyes now on her lap. He was about to walk to her when Mia held his arm, his jaw hardened. 

"Who is this b!tch kook?"

Her chirpy voice made him frown in annoyance, her audacity of asking him such a question angered him, glaring at her for using such words against her, his hand immediately grabbing her jaw hardly, "Language woman. F!$king mind your language"

Mia's smile dropped along with her hold on his arm. Heesung grinned in satisfaction. Jungkook rolled his eyes away from her to Y/n. His eyes once again holding that intense stare on her, something inside him twisted seeing her gaze on her lap.

Gritting his teeth, he glared at Mia, "Leave" his deep voice echoed through the cabin making everyone except for Y/n shock at his word. Mia's jaw dropped and eyes widened, nervously laughing a little, "Chill kook. I mean, who is sh-"

"My wife" he raised a dark brow, challenging her to speak further. She was left speechless and good news that she wasn't alone in this matter. 

Jungkook glanced at Y/n, his eyes shining in amusement noticing a tint of blush creeping on to her cheeks. His egoistic side flaming in pride as he completely ignored the two other people in the room. 


Jungkook stepped closer to Y/n, the look in her orbs intox!cating him more than any amount of a!cohol. Crouching in front of her, he kept his eyes on her. 

Rolling his eyes after still feeling her presence in the room, "Leave or you wanna watch us creating our future generations?"

Mia gasped loudly while Heesung almost unconsciously slapped himself and the woman in front of him? She almost lost her whole soul hearing his intense words.


"Y-Yes boss"

Heesung immediately grabbed the frozen Mia and dragged her out of his cabin before shutting the door, completely leaving them both alone. 

Y/n was still staring at him with her dropped jaw and wide eyes making him let out a small laugh, "You took it seriously, darling?" He tilted his head with a smirk flying over his lips, she breathed out a huge sigh. Jungkook keenly watched her, her natural blush looking as if someone painted red on her skin.

She gulped before slowly shaking her head, of course she shouldn't take it seriously. 

Jungkook's smirk widened noticing the truth openly displayed on her orbs. He chuckled before raising his hand and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand making her shudder at the touch. 

His playful arrogant grin immediately disappeared when his phone rang, rolling his eyes, he picked it up from his pockets and looked at the screen id. His father. He smirked knowing exactly why he was calling him.

He didn't want to answer the call, but he knew that he'd have some fun. 

"What?" He asked immediately after answering the call. 

"What did you say to Mia?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes with a smirk, his eyes dropping on Y/n who was staring at her lap, he didn't like it. He wanted her eyes on him. Raising her head by his hand on her chin, she gulped making eye contact with him.

"Nothing. Just pushed some senses into her brain"

"Jeon Jungkook"


"Y/n became your wife?! Huh?! When?!"


This word intrigued him somehow, the eye contact he held with her was turning intense and he very well was aware that only he was feeling this way. 

"Should I fix a date then?"

"Jeon! Leave that poor girl alone!"

"Mind your own business Jeon" His eyes now fixed on her pink lips, watching her trembling lips, focusing how she deeply took in her breaths.

He cut the call before tossing it across the couch, startling Y/n.

"I want a drink" his stare on her lips gave it away that he wasn't meaning the literal words.

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