Chapter One

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When the sun rose from the horizon, I would always watch it rise. I would wake up before anyone else since today...was hunting day since it has been THREE DAYS since we ate. When Dad opened the rock, wall, he rushed forward, screaming, growling, and throwing handfuls of dirt in a threatening display to scare a bunch of Liyotes. As suddenly as he began, he stopped when he cracked a bone. Yeah, he's getting old but hey, gotta live your life! Panting, he looks at the Liyote, who was just standing there but, of course, he scared it off.
Eep and I, burst out of the cave since it was taking too long, as he always do.
"You're supposed to wait for my signal, girls. Girls!"
From the ledges, we noticed a pack of liyotes on the top of the roof of the cave. We scared them off by a simple "Boo," which in this case, jumping off of him then I let out a soft sigh as I looked up into the sky, basking in the sun's glory.
"We've been in that cave forever." Eep said in a relaxed state.
"Three days is not forever." Grug said. I rolled my eyes as I climbed down and stretched a bit as I looked at Dad.
"It's like this with this family." I complained as I fluffed out my hair.
"Lea, when have you been this...dramatic?" Grug asked.
I cocked an eyebrow while yawning. To tell you the truth, I've gotten used to the type of Dad he is. And I soooooooo need to get away from it! I may be 19 - but I'm still living under my dad's roof.
As my thoughts swirled through my mind, I watched Sandy run out of the cave and I sighed quietly as I walked after Sandy as Grug called out, "No, no, no, Sandy, come back here. Remember the signal. Good girls wait for the signal."
I grabbed Sandy's foot after she was about to be carried off by a large bug that she attached herself to and brought it over to Ugga, my mom. Grug groaned out when my mom came out.
"As soon as I get Sandy, I'll go back in, and you can give the signal."
"No, I mean, you're already out now."
I rolled my eyes then I heard from the cave Thunk's voice.
"I am waiting for the signal, Dad."
Thunk, my nine-year-old brother, was still inside the cave who tries so HARD to please Dad and emulate his every move. 
"Never mind, Thunk. Just come out." Grug said to Thunk.
"Uhhh, but if you don't give the signal, how do I know you're my dad?" Thunk questioned. I facepalmed myself as I shouted out, "Thunk... GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF THAT CAVE!!!"
In an instant, Thunk came out growling, and barrels into Grug. I watched as he picked up a boulder and throws it. I moved to the side to see it crochet off the cliff wall and crush Dad. It made me chuckled when he gets plowed over by the boulder. 
"Mom, we're ready to leave." Ugga called out. "Mom?"
Grug's face started to light up when he couldn't gear Gran but she shouts out, "Still alive!"
His face dropped when he heard her. I scoffed as Ic racked my knuckles as I watched her come out of the cave. 
"It's still early."
"And you're still fat."
Grug growled then he shouted out, "Breakfast formation!"
I perked up a little bit then joined the Croods to form up in a flying wedge as Dad was in the lead.
He slammed his fist to the ground and shout out, "I want to see some real caveman action other there. We do this fast. We do this loud, we do this as a family... And never not be afraid!"
We yelled out our battle cry and ran out of the Crood Canyon, going across the wide expanses of the desert until we stopped at the Hunting Grounds, which was 15 miles away from our home.
Huffing, Thunk tiredly said, "Yay...breakfast..."
I walked over to the rock and climbed up to get a closer look, seeing a nest of a huge unguarded blue egg. Grug peered over the top and then asked, "Who's up? We'll flip for it."
He lifted Gran on his hand and flips her up in the air. 
"Call her in the air."
Eep shouted, "Heads!"
Gran faceplants on the ground, her head buried in the sand with only her tail showing.
"Tails. Thunk's in. Positions."
I rolled my eyes as I ran to my position with Eep. I climbed up on a rock and peered over to see Thunk dash into the open, snatching the egg.
"Hah! Way to go! Take it to the cave!" Grug encouraged but the Gerf bird smashes Thunk and steals the egg back. I flinched when I saw that and heard Grug shout out, "Release the baby!"
Ugga released her then Sandy chased the bird, nipping at the heels while Ugga runs towards it and jumps on top of its head. She tries to pull the egg from its beak but trip gerbils, stretched out their shared tail across the Ramu's path. Once Ugga got the egg, the gerbils wrapped their tail around the Ramu like a bola, making the Ramu go down hard. Ugg and the egg rolled forward then the trip Gerbils snatch up the egg and ran off with the egg. 
"Get 'em Mom!" Ugga shouted.
Gran hooked the gerbils with her cane like a hockey player. The Liyotes peep out of their hoodoos then swarm in behind her. They tripped Gran and stole the egg, hitting the gas since they are INCREDIBLY FAST!!
"Old lady down! Eep! Lea! Avenge me!"
I nodded at Eep as I climbed down from the rock and crouched with her in the shade of the shrubby bush. I cracked my neck as I had the Liyotes in my sights. We launched towards them.
As I panted heavily, we ran after the Liyote with the egg, cutting him off in his tracks, he slams into a cactus, launching the egg. I leapt into the air, taking the egg back.
"Thanks!" I shouted.
As I ran with the egg, a bunch of Jackrobats saw me and swarm around me. I yelped as I started to lose my footing then heard my dad call out my name, "Lea!"
"Heads up!"
I threw the egg to Grug. He catches it and runs by the entrance of a small cave. With Thunk following close behind, he accidentally trips over the tail of a sleeping Bear Owl knocking Grug to the ground and fumbling the egg once again.
Thunk caught the egg just as the Girelephant bears down on him behind and lifts him onto one of its tusks. I looked back as the family members follwoed behind as we began our long run back to the cave. And, of course, an entire swam of animals chase us as a we headed back to the cave. From the cave, the Bear Owl roars which frightened the Girelephant to fully run away. I gasped when I saw Grug toss me onto the Girelephant's back from the Bear Owl. He dodges the Bearl Owl's attack and uses him as a launching pad to get himself safely on the Girelephant. 
Thunk, happy to see Dad safe, asked, "Oh hey Dad, can we eat now?"
"Just wait till we get home. Girls, put on the brakes."
We smirked at each other as we were close to the entrance to Crood Canyon. Eep hands off the edge of one of its tusks as I took over the other. Together, we dug our heels into the ground, slowing down the Girelephant. 
As the chase continued, the Bear Owl was getting close. As it was about to snap at Thunk, we used the Girelephant to slam it against the wall.
"Girls!" Grug shouted.
I gasped when we're heading towards the Canyon in a fast pace. The Girelephant crashes into the entrance of the Canyon, sending us flying in. As they tumbled, I saw the egg then caught it before it crashed. I yelped when I landed on my feet then shouted, "Who's hungry?"
"Alright! Good one, sis!" Thunk commented.
I handed the egg to Thunk as I Said, "Go ahead, bro."
I put a hand on my hip as I watched him fumble it and crack open. I sighed as I facepalmed myself. Thunk was always so clumsy!
"Looks like fast food tonight!" Ugga commented.
We all passed the leaky egg around quickly, each of us getting a taste. Thunk got a mouthful then I handed it over to Greg but when he took a sip, only a drop was left. I sighed as we looked at him concerningly. 
"It's alright - I ate last week."
I turned my head when I saw the shadow touching Dad's feet. I looked up as I watched the sun setting behind the canyon wall. He holds up his hand to gauge how much daylight is left until Gran shouted, "Two knuckle warning!"
"Come on, Croods. Go go go." Ugga urged as we rushed to the Crood Cave.
"Come on, come on. Darkness brings death! We know this!" 
As the Croods ran inside the cave, Eep and I clung to the side of the sheer rock above the Crood Cave. Holding to each other tightly, we watched as the sun was starting to set. We raised our hands to catch a few more moments of the sun. When it escaped our grasp, we murmured, "Please come back tomorrow."
A soft tear ran down my eye as I closed my eyes and imagined one day...that I wouldn't hide in the darkness of the cave... I want to see the stars.... The suns in the sky... And find a place where I truly belong...
As I was lost in my own thoughts, I heard Dad calling out names. We groaned in annoyance and began to climb down the wall, we hear a sound in the distance. That...actually piqued our curiosity... We then started climbing even higher and as we did, I stopped and saw something hanging from the twig. Taking a closer look, I noticed it was the necklace...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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