Mini-Series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall

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Author's note:

Welp, little delay in writing this chapter. I was running from my dog and felt my foot kick the top of a stair step. Looked down and saw a lot of blood. Fun times.

I've noticed I know a lot of random RvB trivia. Mainly with references, tiny little jokes. It's fun writing these chapters because it helps me remember. My RvB knowledge has expanded so far and wide from writing these fics.

Also yes, Foul not Fowl. I had to update the chapter a few times because it wouldn't update.

Cover Art: Cruz7808

Chapter 22- Mini-series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall

"Well let's just see the title." Ruby suggested.

" Mini-series: Where There's a Will, There's a Wall" appeared on the screen.

Blake hummed, "Can't predict anything from that."

"Maybe it's about the wall behind red base?" Jaune suggested.

"There's a wall there?" Ruby asked.

Jaune nodded, "Yeah, if this is another Blood Gulch mini-series you'll see it."

Ren stared at the title, "That statement, it's interesting."

"What do you think it means, it's kind of demotivational." Jaune commented.

"I think it means that will power isn't enough." Ren explained.

Jaune sagged, "Yeah, that lesson has been learned."

"Will power is enough, if you have the will to do something. With enough blood, sweat, and tears you can do it." Yang shrugged. "If there's a wall, gotta break through it." Yang cocked her right gauntlet.

Nora nodded, "Yeah walls are meant to be broken!" Jaune chuckled at Nora who was making a swinging motion holding an imaginary Magnhild.

" Episode One" appeared on the screen with the theme.

The scene opened to show Simmons running up to Grif in Blood Gulch.

"Yes!" Nora cheered.

"Oh, so they're both Blood Gulch skits." Jaune hummed.

Ruby nodded, looking around at the paused screen. "Oh I see the wall, it's the same.. material?" She tested, unsure. "That the excavator and drill were made out of."

"And the base." Ren added.

Jaune frowned, "Wait, if there's a wall there.. how did they drive to the city?"

Weiss pursed her lips, "Another plot hole?"

"Doesn't really matter if it is one, I mean. It's a mini-series in a memory unit." Yang pointed out.

Blake chuckled, "There are far more glaring plot holes in the Recovery One and Out of Mind mini-series."

Nora gasped, "Oh! And they could have just driven into the ocean. So not a plot hole."

Jaune and Ruby laughed, Yang snickered. "Neptune would not appreciate a road trip with them."

Simmons: "Hey Grif, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Grif: "Not now, Simmons. I'm right in the middle of something."

"I'm sure." Blake chuckled.

Simmons: "Oh yeah? What are you doing?"

Grif: "Umm... standing."

"That's actually something for Grif." Yang quipped.

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