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I still couldn't wrap my head around the Titan situation

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I still couldn't wrap my head around the Titan situation. I know it was an hour ago, I'm just trying to figure out where this is coming from.

Yeah, I know at the time I was oblivious... I didn't think he'd ever hurt me.

It was currently 1 pm. I had to make rounds too, and unfortunately, Titan was one of them, and I knew Jay was probably busy. I mean at least I had a backup plan. I grabbed Titan's journal and left my office.

What or who was my backup plan? The answer was Jolon, I had the guard allow him out before walking down a few feet to Titan's.

"you chose me, smart choice," Jolon said patting my back. I nodded my head. I think we both knew at the time that I was still processing, which was why I wasn't saying much. I think everyone knew how my mind was working, and just wanted to allow me time to rack it up in my brain.

Anyways I walked into Titan's cell after Jolon. Which was a smart decision. Because Titan stood up as soon as he saw me. He probably would have rushed to me, if it weren't for Jolon. Instead of moving the chair like I usually would, I left it by the door, and Jolon stood next to me. He was in bodyguard mode, and there was no way he'd move.

"Titan, how are you feeling?". I felt like I couldn't look at him, sure he probably could've hurt me more but still the thought of it was terrifying.

" I'm in pain-" Jolon scoffed. Titan glared at him.

"Sorry princess, continue," Jolon said, mocking him.

"And I'm apologetic." He finished.

I sighed but wrote it down in my book.

"How are you feeling Sasani?" He asked.

"It's Doctor La Morte, and I'm not up to answering your question, moving on," I said, shifting the subject.

"Why did you react like that when there was nothing to trigger you?" I asked, anticipating an answer.

"He was touching what's mine," Titan said, he had a twisted smile on his face, I didn't realize that smile would come back to haunt me.

"Alright, I'm done. Jolon please get me out of here." I said, grabbing Jolon's hand and standing up.

"NO!" Titan yelled.

"you don't get to walk out on me!" He yelled again. I ignored it and walked behind Jolon, leaving. Jolon Followed behind me, His tall and wide frame blocking me from Titan's View. the guard then closed the door.

I walked with Jolon back to his cell.

"Thank you," I said to him.

"You're welcome." He smiled and kissed my forehead, it's rare to see him smile but whenever I do, I enjoy it. after he made it inside, I went to my office and exchanged journals heading to Dolion's holding place.

"How you feeling Sani?" He asked as I walked through the door.

He stood up and walked over to me.

"I'm fine, just a little shaken up," I said.

"You play doctor for me, but why don't we switch?" He suggested, pulling me to the bed with him.

"Fine, I'll bait," I said, thinking about it a little more.

"So doc, how are you feeling about the Titan situation?". He questioned, staring at me intensely.

"Honestly, creeped out," I answered, my mind flashing me the memory of his creepy smile.

"Why is that?" He asked

"Because before coming here, I went to talk to him with Jolon, and the things he was saying sent chills down my spine and not the good kind." I then got the chills, Dolion rested his hand on my thigh, still looking at me.

"What exactly did he say?"

"He was touching what's mine, that'll forever haunt me," I replied, I felt myself zoning out, my mind replaying every single detail, I felt so shaken up I knew it would give me a nightmare. Something wasn't right, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to find out or not.

"Sani," Dolion said, finally shaking me out of my trance.


"Can I try something to ease your mind?" He asked.

"Please tell me it isn't sex-related, I can't do that right now," I said.

"No, but it does give me an idea..." He smirked at the thought.

"Okay, what is it?" I noticed he was looking at my lips, and I understood the signal.

"Let me show you,"

For those of you wondering, we did talk a bit before he got assigned to me, he just felt like giving me a harder time now that he was actually under my care.

anyways sorry for interrupting...

He grabbed the side of my neck, and leaned in, I leaned in... The next thing I know we were kissing. I didn't want to stop, I didn't want to breathe, I was just lost in the moment.

his hand was around the base of my throat, his other hand was gripping my ponytail, my head was angled up, and it was like we were lost in each other's eyes.

I felt at that moment this man could possibly be my everything, and I wasn't opposed to it.

I kissed him again, a gentle smile on my face, it was like he washed all my worries away, the calm to my storm. I got up and hugged him, then kissed him goodbye.

I walked out with the biggest grin on my face. Little did I know I had an audience, and it wasn't the guard.

I couldn't wait to show Titan what I just recorded, We both wanted something, I wanted Dolion to fuck me, and he wanted Sasani to be all his

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I couldn't wait to show Titan what I just recorded, We both wanted something, I wanted Dolion to fuck me, and he wanted Sasani to be all his.

Win-win right?

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