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This shit is so boring

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This shit is so boring.

Sasani don't even be comin' in here no more, she just slides the meds carefully under the door. I can tell she's tired of me, but not letting me make her tired, like give a brother a chance damn!

Instead, I got that dude Jolon coming in, and he be bringing Yuka with him. Like, bring my girl with you damn. Anyway, I know y'all have missed content, or well this part of the story from ya boy. I know y'all be saying I'm fine and stuff you just don't want to admit it, and it's cool. Ladies, and gents, I'm technically taken.

Anyway, I know y'all have probably been wondering what it's been like at the asylum lately... At least through my eyes. Like I said shit's been a little boring. But I've been keeping myself entertained. Thinking about Sasani, How she rides on it how she looks at me... I bet she looks so pretty, like a little doll or something. 

I mean she is short so it technically is fine for me to say. But I need to get the fuck out of here. I want to see her, And I will stop at nothing. Even if it's through glass. 

Speaking of Jolon, Guess he's come to grace me with his presence, fun. 

" Oh yay my favorite nurse, Jolon." I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh yay, my favorite patient." he scoffed and rolled his eyes too, motherfucker.

"Here," He hands the pills to me, and I shove the pills down my throat. Annoyed, I swear all these people piss me off in way one or another. 

"Can you go now?". His face pisses me off.

"Nah today you get to see some light, per Jay's request." He rolled his eyes, yet put restraints on me, forcing me to follow him. I feel like a fucking dog, bro over here pulling me by this fucking leash type shit. I don't want to fucking go outside at this point this is bullshit.

We walk down the hallway, taking turn after turn until eventually we're outside. Nevermind. . . It's not bullshit I see Sasani, all is right in the world right now. I haven't seen her since I cleverly faked that seizure. 

I try to run towards her, forgetting I'm fucking restricted. I turn back at Jolon, quickly calculating how to move in my head. I look back towards her, watching her be gentle with this one patient.

"Sasani!". I yell her name.

She looks at me, and then dares to flip me off! This is where I started to get more mad... I ripped at the little leash thing Jolon had me on, which was connected to my wrists. I was trying to get to her Jolon looked at me as if he were an annoyed parent, watching a toddler have a tantrum. I HATE that fucking look.

I kept pulling, not caring that it pulled and forced at my wrists. Then of course Dolion just had to come and help. 

"Man fuck out my face." Breathing heavily, kind of tired at this point trying to get from Jolon's fucking leash. 

"I beat your ass before I'll do it again, watch who the fuck you talking to lil boy." He mushed me in the head. Lil boy!? Did he just call me a fucking boy?

"Did you just call me a fucking boy?"

"You're like 26, with the mentality of an 8-year-old." He implied his answer.

"Are you fucking serious?". I stared him down.

"Hell yeah son," He smirked.

He turned around and went to walk away, I kicked the back of his knee, but he didn't falter. He turned around, swiping his thumb over his nose. 

"See, you a lil ass kid." He smirked again.

"Man shut the fuck up." I was enraged, yelling at this point.  I glanced over his shoulder, Sasani looking over, clearly pissed, but at who I couldn't tell. I went to swing and missed. Why??? Because fucking Jolon pulled at my hands. I'm a fucking puppet right now.

Sasani started running over, Although she had to stand on her tippy toes, she grabbed my ear, pulling me down. 

"What you will not do is fight, this is your one taste of fucking freedom. Freedom I didn't even want you to fucking have. Stop acting like a fucking kid and get your shit together." She twisted my ear too that shit hurt. But it was hot to have her cuss me out, She's adorable when mad. 

"Jolon take him back." Sasani huffed. 

"Don't be a bitch Sasani." I knew how to press her buttons, and that's exactly what I started doing. Her eye twitched slightly, but she turned away from me. "Awe is the baby mad?" I asked, poking the bear. Jolon began dragging me away, but that wasn't enough I kept going. 

"Sasani do you still dream about me?" I yelled to her, Her body tensed.

 "are they nightmares still?" I yelled again. Jolon decked me in the face, and I fell, He then began to drag me as if I were dead.

"Sasani how's Lyra?" A low blow I know... But I did what I had to do. 

She began clenching and releasing her fist As if she was trying to control herself. Dolion caged her in his arms, and she visibly relaxed. 

While I was being dragged inside, Jolon was stopped by a police officer.

"Titan Ledger?" The police officer questioned.

"Yup," I confirmed.

"You are under arrest, for the murder of Terra  anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law." Jolon Picked me up off the ground and handed the leash to the officer.

I know what you're thinking... He's just now getting arrested for that? Yes, yes I am. But um here's the thing, not only was it the murder of Terra... It's considered a double murder because she was pregnant...

And we had fucked before the plan too, without telling you readers... So the kid could've been mine... And trials take months by the way.

A/N: Surpise shawties! I'm backkkkkkk I know it's been a minute! My bad y'all life got a little too busy, but here's this chapter, and more on the way, we're getting closer to the end!!

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