Chapter 5: The Office

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The afternoon was ending. Strangely but spectacularly and Willow was feeling that sweet tea buzz wear off as she and Colton went about getting this house on the market.

Once the paperwork was signed, and the deal was on, Colton and Willow exchanged numbers. He insisted on putting his number into her phone which was odd. Did he think she couldn't spell?

Willow quaDRUPLE checked that she was not to include Mrs. Trenton on any of the communications. She had worked with Estate Managers, Executive Assistants etc in the past but it never hurt to check again. The two then said their farewells and Colton walked Willow to her car.

"I have to say, you surprised me Willow," Colton said. "I helped Sophia compile a list of qualified agents and I really thought Campbell was the one."

Willow rolled her eyes. "I'm shocked. Clearly you haven't been working with Mrs. Trenton long enough to understand the correlation between sparkling style and sparkling personality."

"Does it really take a sparkling personality to sell a home?" Colton challenged.

Willow feigned passing out and then said, "Have you no idea how special this home is?? Any boring agent in a bad suit can sell a home but the Magnolia?? It's special Colton. Can't you feel it? I'm just relieved you weren't the one to pick the agent and someone with vision and class was."

At that, she shocked herself and turned red. Really! Where was her self control and couth around this man?

"How do you know it wasn't me that picked the agent?" Colton asked and then with a mysterious wink, he turned and walked back to the house, nay the Heavenly Abode. "Looking forward to working with you Willow the Wild," Colton said over his shoulder as he left her standing there shocked and excited and also... possibly in love.

After checking in with Lucy and seeing that the adoption process was going well, Willow headed back to the office and dug into the Magnolia. She created posts, scheduled videographers, etc. When Willow went to text Colton to confirm receipt of one of their many various needed documents, she saw that he had lovingly put himself into her phone as "Colton The Stud". Willow rolled her eyes, smiled, and went about texting him and ignoring the feeling in her stomach that was eerily similar to that of a whole flock of butterflies.

Willow: Hello Colton The Stud, confirming receipt of the last document?

Colton The Stud: Hello Willow. Just Willow? Really? I'm the only creative one in this business partnership? Yep, got the document.

Willow: If that's what you call creative, then yes. But have you seen my marketing plan?? Creative may be my middle name.

Colton The Stud: That's what Sophia said... but maybe not in those words.

At that, Willow's pride bloomed. Her hero thought she was creative! EEK! Man it was easier to play it cool through text.

Willow: Have you confirmed that date for the open house with Mrs. Trenton?

Colton The Stud: Yes! Looking forward to it. But what do I wear?

"Uh-oh," Willow thought to herself. "He can't be serious."

Willow: Do you think you're coming??? Have you never watched Million Dollar Listing? You're not invited. In fact, perhaps you should go on vacation that weekend. And by perhaps, I mean I'll grab you an Airbnb in Wilmington that weekend.

Colton The Stud: Cute. When I said you'd be working with me and not Sophia, I meant every step of the way, darling. I'm not about to leave her property unattended.

Willow: Offense absolutely taken. Do you trust me with this property or not? Perhaps install some cameras to make yourself feel more comfortable. In fact I would love to do that for you, but as you are my client's electrician and a complete control freak, I know that you handle all that on your own.

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