Chapter 4: Our Worst Fears

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AN: Like the constant updates? Well too bad because Pikmin 4 comes out today and that will consume my every waking moment. I've waited WEEKS for this game. 

Living in an RV had its perks. Your home is basically on wheels so you can go pretty much anywhere with a road and be perfectly fine. Combined with his portable hotspot, he could work any time. Sure, it could be a bit bigger but Four didn't really give a damn about that. The one thing he had issues with the size was the fact he could hear if someone was banging the hell out of his door. 

Like right now.

Four sat up, grumbling. checking his phone its....7:38 in the morning. Whoever this is they better have a damn good reason for waking his ass up other wise he's going to commit either murder, arson, or both. He got up, stretched, and walked to the door, his steps a bit too loud due to his basically slamming his feet out of anger.

"I'm coming I'm coming. What the fuck is so important-Ah! Smg1 and 2! What's up?" When Four slamed opened the door, he was treated with his meme guardian seniors. It was then and only then that he realized he still was in pjs: a shirt with way a couple is mystery stains and his Pepe boxers. Not a good look. And the fact both of them looked tense, their postures both rigid. Bad sign.

"Listen...Four." One started, arms crossed "We have something really important to discuss with both you and Three. Can you get him over here?"

"Yeah of course! Er...Give me a moment to get dressed please?" Four said, stretching the back of his head. The two nodded, and Four shut the door. He scrambled to put on his clothes, tripping and falling while trying to put on his overalls. He sent a quick text to Three, telling him to get his ass over here quickly. It's a matter of great meme importance. That should hopefully get his ass in gear.

Once he had made himself semi-presentable, he opened the door, motioning for the One and Two to go in.

"Is Three coming?" Two asked, moving aside some of the stuff Four had piled on the counter so he could sit there.

"I sent him a text telling him to get over here. He should be." Speak of the devil, in walks Three, clearly half asleep.

"I'm here...what is going on and why couldn't it wait till morning?" Three asked groggily.

"Shut the door. We need to talk. Privately." Three, now a bit more awake at the seriousness in One's voice, shuts the door behind him "Take a seat. Three shares a look with Four, the two sitting on the couch across from Two was sitting and One was standing.

"So...what's this about?" Three was the first to break the silence. One and Two shared a look before turning back to Three and Four.

"I'm just gonna rip off the bandaid...The God Box is back." One stated

"WHAT?!" Three and Four yelled at the same time, standing up.

"How?! That's impossible!" Four yelled. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. Not after everything that damn box caused.

"We saw it get destroyed two years ago!" Three exclaimed, "There's no way!"

"I know, I know. But that's what happened. Two do you have it?" One motioned to his partner, who pulled out a strange-looking device. It looked like a scanner with a screen attached to it. It was a mishmash of random parts put together.

"When we hid the pods after defeating Smg0-Niles." Two corrected himself  "The first time, we went about trying to create something to seek out its corruption and other anomalies caused by its power. Although it was finicky...It worked."

"Wait, if you had this why didn't you use it before?"

"Because we were under the impression he was done with and no longer had a need for it. However...that wasn't the case." One said, slightly ashamed "Moving on...a few days ago we got a strange reading. It went off for a moment. It was faint, but it went off. Meaning somehow, somewhere, the God Box or something with its power is out there."

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