Chapter 6

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"If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance."

—George Bernard Shaw


I paced slowly, from the door to the window of our bedroom, waiting to see what my husband had discovered.

"Well? Do you see the footprint thing she's talking about?" I asked Nickhun as he worked.

He shook his head. "Baby, I would have known if someone was...holy shit."

Rushing to his side, I almost pushed him out of the way to stare at the screen. It was a map of Europe, and it was littered with tiny red dots.

"What am I looking at?" There was no conceivable order, just dots.

"It's hard to think when you're so close to me," he whispered before kissing my cheek and pulling me into his lap. Trying to get a more comfortable position on his lap, I felt him harden underneath me.

"Nickhun, concentrate," I muttered, as I bit my lip.

"I am," he mumbled as he kissed my shoulder.

A shiver went down my spine as he kept trailing kisses along my body. I had to clench my eyes shut in order to get out my next sentence, though it pained me to say it. "Nickhun, the computer...footprint thing...this is important." At least it sounded like a complete sentence in my mind.

"Fine," he sighed, kissing my neck once more before stopping. "But this isn't over."

Turning to him, I kissed his lips quickly. "I wouldn't dream of it. Now what is this?"

"All the spots Jen checked in from."

"Holy shit." There had be at least a hundred dots all over Europe. France, Poland, Romania...the list went on. How did she move around so much?

"From what I can tell, she's been keeping tabs on Ethan and was able to access the video feed, but not audio. Thank God for that, I think I might have told Ethan a few of his parents' secrets," he snickered and I could only imagine what those were.

Between him and Bambam, Ethan was going to be a hellraiser and a heartbreaker. Females of the future, you've been warned.


"She said she knew that Ethan liked to listen to the sounds of the ocean. How could she have known that if she couldn't hear?"

He pulled up the live video feed of Ethan's room, Lisa and Jen could both be seen sleeping in opposite corners of the room. Nickhun zoomed in on the iPod dock.

"It's labeled Ocean," he chuckled at me.

Well duh. Now I felt stupid.

"You said she was rearranging the room?" he questioned as he swept the entire room over with the camera. "She put Ethan's crib in the best defense position for her. With her sitting near the window like that, she can see through the back and have a clear shot at the door before anyone can make it further in."

It's not safe yet. That's what she was talking about.

"I think there's another mole in the house." There were at least a dozen people that came into Ethan's room to take out the trash, clean, sweep for bugs...

"Great, I'm sure Lisa and Jen will love hearing that," he muttered, as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I'm not going to tell them right now, not yet, at least not until I figure out who it is."


"Yes, me. And don't say it in that tone. I'm kickass, remember?"

He grinned and I glared, which only made him grin even more. Ugh! I hated him sometimes.

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