Chapter 5: The Search Part 2

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DISCLAIMER: I'd like to address that for the past 4 chapters i've been spelling "Kuiper Belt" wrong. From now on i will spell it in the correct way, and honestly I don't really have an excuse... i'm just bad at grammar 😅 anyway, On with the fanfic!

Azren lies asleep in the middle of the Kuiper belt,
vulnerable as ever. Suddenly, They hear some

???: Are they okay!? we need to get them to safety

??: Who would do this?? they must've been pissed.

?: La dee da! Woah! what the heck is this!? are they

??: I hope so... But it doesn't seem to belong here,
It looks like a... a-

???: A FULL SIZED PLANET!! Oh jeez! How could
they have gotten here?!

??: a full sized planet wouldn't go into the Kuiper
belt just randomly... Come on, let's get this big
guy to safety... and probably a stretcher.

Meanwhile, Mars is out floating towards the
Kuiper belt.

Mars: Okay, I'm almost there... Where could they-


Mars has accidently bumped into Neptune.

Neptune: MARS! What are yooouuu doing here?

Mars: I'm going to the Kuiper belt to look for
that exoplanet, I haven't seem them in a while.

Neptune: Ah, the exoplanet... Yes, a while ago
I heard some commotion in there... In my
opinion, I wouldn't go in there by yourself.

Mars: Well, Why don't we go together?

Neptune: ...
Fine, I have nothing better to do anyway.

Mars: Then let's go.

Mars and Neptune float into the Kuiper belt,
Neptune is very familiar with this place,
Unfortunately Mars is not.

Mars: Hey, Neptune? Are you sure this is safe?
What about Azren? They DID go alone... Oh
jeez, What if they're hurt?

Neptune: Oh Mars, Don't be ridiculous! you
wouldn't want to Underestimate our peers,
would you, Mars?

Mars: Hm... I guess you're right.

Meanwhile, With Azren...

Azren: Ugh... what the? where am I...?

???: HES AWAKE! Haumea, Come here!!

Haumea: Yes, Makemake? Oh, You're finally
awake. Do you feel alright?

Azren: Eh... I could be better.

Haumea: Well at least you aren't dead. Charon,
come here!!

Charon: I'm here! Oh, The planet is finally awake!
I'll go get him!

Azren: Who's him?

Haumea: You'll see, I think you'll like him...

Charon: I'M BAACK!! And guess who I brought?

Azren: I cant see because I have an asteroid
lodged into my face...

???: Oh my god, Are they okay?

Azren POV: Wait, I recognize that voice...

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