Chapter One

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In the morning kinkajou had to visit queen glory."queen glory queen glory!!! I neeeeeeed to talk to you!"Bang bang bang went kinkajou. But glory wasn't at the door. It was deathbringer!!! "Uhhh... glorys in the bathroom. I think you can talk to her through the door".so Kinkajou went in. " HEY GLORY!!! UHHH I NEED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT MY- I MEAN MOONWATCHERRRRRR!!!" she said "just a second!!!!" Glory, "I'm just having a shower!!!" When glory got out she set the table and started baking."Now, what did you want to talk to me about?" she asked. "There's three things. First" she replied " moonwatcher can– UM-caaaaaan read minds and see prophecies!!" she hesitated saying it because kinkajou didn't want to betray her best friend but as normal no one believed her so they were cool. "Second! I don't have a mommy so..." "ILl have to think about it. I mean, I love you like a sister. But I can't handle a dragonet right now with the school and the raingwing tribe and me da- trying to get rid of deathbringer. There's just so much stuff in my talons right now. If you asked me before me and deathbringer got so close- AS FRIENDS!!! Then I would have. But... let me just think about it." said glory overwhelmed "BUT I DID!!! When you were free and deathbringer wasn't your bodyguard!!! Said Kinkajou, outraged. ' Kinkajou, what about the other couples? I'm pretty sure Peril and Clay want a dragonet!" glory suggested. Kinkajou replied " there trying to have one of their OWN not one to adopt glory you should know that!" " I know I know" said glory " it's just that I wanted to get you to ask them for a change instead of me" so kinkajou went to ask deathbringer; she didn't really want him as a dad but he liked glory and glory really liked him so she assumed that they will get together soon." Deathbringer, Deathbringer!" shouted kinkajou "I need to talk to you!!!" "uuuggghhh" groaned deathbringer "kink, why did you have to come here at 2 am ??? I'm trying to sleep." "I need to talk to you right now!!" shouted kinkajou. "Ok" said deathbringer "come on in 😞" " I know" kinkajou said really convincingly " i mean it would get out sometime" said deathbringer " i mean were in plane sight and-" "what are you talking about?" asked kinkajou "You know I'm dating Glory, you just told me you know!" exclaimed deathbringer " i just said i know that you're trying to sleep unless that happened... but you're probably just trying to prank me cause i know that glory doesn't ship glorybringer" said kink. " i don't either... maybe deathglory but glorybringer sounds like a band" said death. "So you're not trying to prank me 😐 glorybringer a thing" kinkajou said streightfaced. ''NO!!" said deathbringer " I just told you that deathglory is better than that! But yeah" "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'm going to tell everyone about this!" said kink "no,no,no,no!" exclaimed deathbringer "don't do that or moon gets it!" "hmmm i spread so much gossip or my BFF dies from... from... what ARE you going to do to moon anyway?" said kinkajou "well i am an assassin 😏" he said smirking " so what you're gonna punch her to death?" said Kinkajou unimpressed" Cause with your muscles that won't be happening." Just then clay and peril came running in. peril bursted in first saying "WERE HAVING A DRAGONET!!!!"

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