Muse of The Night

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Darling muse of mine
Do you know how often I stay up
Trying to find words smooth enough
To string you into poetry.

Have you seen the romance of desperate lovers
How chaotic and beautiful their love is
Have you read the sadness in their eyes
When they are torn apart

It becomes so melancholic
When they finally let each other go
Darling muse do you only inspire
Or do you have poetry etched into your skin

How do I harness your stories
Do I coax you as I do the oceans
To stop brushing against the shore
So I can see the shells for a bit longer

Do I ask you as I do of the moon
Praying it stays with the sky longer
Poetry of the night has always tasted sweeter
Darling muse you are the cause of my sleeplessness

Image from Pinterest

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