Turning Point

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She was helpless.
And a bit lost.
Failed quite a bit.
But never gave up.
It began to get difficult .
She felt herself slipping away.
The five daily solah .
Turned to one prayed once a day.
She hardly read the Qur'an anymore.
The meanings refused to stick to her thoughts .
This was why she was lost .
She gave herself a reality check.
Chasing worldly pleasures is mainly a decoy.
A distraction from those who recoil.
From the right path.
She put her act together and she stood up.
Turned around faced the world.
She resumed her solah because on it her life depended.
Read the meaning of the holy book to understand what was required.
And a light seeped out like a coil of rope.
And it pulled her out from the trance she was in.
She awakened and she became content .
She repented and whenever she felt her self slowly slipping.
She turned away from the world .
She turned to face her lord.
- Summayah.O

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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