Not The Answer

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When I hear the word suicide.
It sends shivers down my spine.
Why should people kill themselves?
Even if they are deeply hurt inside.

Maybe their mind is like a maze.
An intricate pattern with no escape.
Their souls drown in a sea of depression.
No one cares to listen to their confessions.

In their world, the skies are grey.
The clouds are heavy and laden with rain.
They say after hardship comes relief.
But with a troubled mind, will they believe?

Perhaps they need love and care.
Someone with whom their problems they share.
A way to let emotions out.
A helpful way is to sing or freely shout.

Embracing the shadows is not an option.
And problems don't vanish with magical potions.
Maybe its a cruel world outside.
But the answer lies never in suicide.

The world is ours if we take it.
If you put in your best you can make it.
Along the way do what you love.
Don't be pressured into what you feel is wrong.

Be yourself because we are all unique.
Push to the limit or go beyond.
Don't let the thoughts of darkness envelope your mind.
You are not alone, but you alone rule your life.

- Summayah.O

Introspective RenaissanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang