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Hello there! I know, I know, you're probably wondering, what the **** is Back in the Day?

Back in the Day is me showing how old I am by giving you a piece of my nostalgia from books I wrote when I was smaller to short stories I wrote in class.

In here, I also include some of my poetry, as well as some funny stories that have happened to me in real life. You can request short stories - your favourite ships (I'll try my best), a funny skit, a small little smut scene (hehe, I can do you and your crush, if you want), just some random fluff, or an awesome action scene! I also take requests for parts in my other book, In the Stars, extracted bits!

You can also rant about problems - from boys/girls, to parent issues, school or just anything really, and if you just want to rant or vent, with no advice, just tell me <3

****^^^^Warning! This is a bullying-free zone, so if you don't have anything nice to say to other people and their vents/rants, DON'T. Thank you very much^^^^****

Hope you enjoy! Comment which one you want first~


Back in the Day~ My Old Stories BookWhere stories live. Discover now