Morning Madness~ a poem

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This is just a poem I wrote recently for a poetry competition - enjoy!

"Beeeep, beep!" I slammed my hand down
On The One and Only Alarm Clock.
I reluctantly stumbled out of bed,
tripped and fell face flat on a stinky sock.

I rushed to the bathroom, and put my toothbrush in my mouth.
"Ugh! What's that disgusting taste?!"
I picked up the container,
Only to discover it's hair gel, not toothpaste!

I spat it out, and rinsed my mouth,
Before stepping carefully over clothes strewn on the floor.
As my quick shower came to an end,
The slippery tiles sent me crashing into the bathroom door.

Bolting to the room, I rubbed my bruise.
I flipped through the drawer, threw on some clothes.
My mirrored reflection showed an inside out shirt,
Paired with two different socks - Oh, how did I get those?

Fixing my mismatched clothing, I slowly opened the door
And trudged into the kitchen, muttering a curse,
Before pouring cereal and milk into my bowl,
Knocking it over and screaming, "Could this day get any worse?!"

I heard my hungry dog barking from across the house,
But I was cleaning up - plus in a very bad mood.
Frazzled, I eventually went to feed my dog,
Who had chewed through a packet, and on the floor was his food.

I ran to get my school bag,
But I couldn't find it anywhere.
Then I saw my dog tear my maths assignment,
So I screamed out in despair.

I sprinted out of the room, "I'm going to get late!"
Pushing past my sibling: "Get out of my way!"
I made it to the kitchen, stopping to check the date,
Sighing when I realised that it was just a Saturday.

Back in the Day~ My Old Stories BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora