Chapter two

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(I wanted to apologize cause I know most of you like smut but writing it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. If no one wants to read it thats fine. Just wanted to tell you.)

My head pounded before I even opened my eyes

I groaned, rolling over

I burst up as I touched someone

I looked at a black haired man, beautiful man, beautiful...

How the fuck did this dude end up with me!

I swallowed, "hello... wake up please"

He hummed, "what's up..?"

Morning voice of some stranger

So amazingly beautiful 

"I dont know where I am... or who you are," I looked around, "or where my clothes are"

He opened his right eye, leaving his left closed, "what do you mean Y/n?"

"I.. um don't know who you are.." I smiled, "I could get to know you but i.."

He sat up, the blankets fell to show off his chest, "really?"

I nodded, removing my eyes from his torso- even if I didnt want to, "I dont remember"

He sighed, "me neither, I woke up earlier and saw you," he shrugged, "and I met you yesterday"

I smiled, "oh, then what's your name it might ring a bell"

He smirked, "its Obito"

My eyes widened, "what!" I jumped up completely naked, "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WEAR A DAMN MASK YOU BEAUTIFUL BITCH!?"

he tilted his head

I continued screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK"

He chuckled, "did my face scare you?"

I gasped, "yes it did," I frowned

He swallowed, looking to the floor

"It scared me how good looking you are!" I yelled, "I woke up like how the hell did this hottie end up in my hole!- no wonder the girls cant see his beautiful fucking face"

I stopped, "wait why would you scare me?"

He glanced at me, "my face is scarred"

I looked closely at his face, it was scarred

I ran my fingers over the spiralling mark, "wow that's so cool looking"

I turned around showing him my back, it had a giant x across it

("Battle scaurs," sorry twilight reference)

"I have scars too, nothing to be ashamed of," I smiled, "I think it makes you more attractive"

He sighed, "I'm fucking hungry"

I looked around the floor, grabbing some random shirt and throwing it on

"I'll make some food," I said, going out the door

Obito put on his boxers, following behind, "you know most hookups leave right after"

I rolled my eyes, "yeah but I actually know you- plus I'm not an ass," I turned to him, "it sucks to just be left alone, so no I'm not leaving"

I went into the kitchen, grabbing a pan

It was kinda messy, but it is a man's apartment so... yeah

But it was manageable, wasnt a complete pigsty like Narutos apartment

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