Part 15: Nightmare wake up

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Aizawa texted Hawks to ask more on the situation, he replied that Inko was arrested and in police custody, Great. Now the further task, getting Izuku out of his flight mode. Eri had fallen asleep in Izuku's arms clutching his capture weapon, "Come on, let's get you inside" he put on his shirt again and scooped them up into his arms, "I can walk" they disregarded the knife on the roof, "Your still in flight mode, who knows when you'll get out of that" he replied opening the door and walking down the stairs. "I can take care of it" he could walk but Aizawa was a stubborn man. The lobby was trashed and Aizawa had stuffed the cuffs in his pockets for now, Izuku narrowed his eyes and pointed his hands at the shattered glass he destroyed when he thew Inko and instantly the glass and metal fixed itself no cracks or bents to be found. 

"Well, that might take a while to get used to" he said blinking, "Why do you think most of my damage count is low?" He always repaired the damage to place or buildings that got in the way but there are some he didn't even bother sparing a second glance at, "Fair" he walked into his lounge and closed the door behind him. Izuku's former room became Eri's and to say the least, she like how she was close to her new parents. It helped ease her worries. And they're also glad she's within arm's reach if she needs them. "Can we check on the others, just for now?" he asked, Aizawa pursed his lips. He sighed, "Fine, let's put Eri in her room first" he set Izuku down and walked with him to Eri's room and layed her in bed, he took off her boots setting them near the bedside and Aizawa pulled the blanket over her not bothering to take his capture weapon from her since he didn't want to wake her up. 

"Come on" he whispered as Izuku looked back to Eri before they quietly left her room, they left the lounge again and then went to find the class which they had filed back into the lobby and began to help clean up the mess. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, "Other than Kirishima taking a hit with a knife in his arm, we're good" just one casualty for the students, but still it wasn't needed. "Kirishima, come here" he set down the thrown couch and went over as Izuku took his arm and placed a hand over it, it glowed green and the white bandage was taken off to show no knife wound anymore. "That's two knife wounds that weren't needed, fucking great" "Who was the other?" Katsuki asked him as Izuku jabbed his thumb at Aizawa, "Couldn't seem to feel the pain of a knife in his back" "To be honest, I didn't even realize I got hit with the damn thing" he defended, "You idiot" he groaned. "Where are the Quirk cancelers?" Hawks asked him after seeing the healing Quirk in action, "I have them and he just repaired the windows and the doors" true to his words the glass or metal wasn't destroyed anymore. 

"Are you guys sure that no one else is injured? Where is Mitsuki?" he asked, "The hag went home but she'll be back tomorrow to catch up really" Katsuki explained to him, popping out his hip a bit with his arms crossed. "Besides how the hell did she even get here?" Izuku once again pointed at Aizawa, "Oh" 

"Look, I'll repair the lobby in the morning, the rest of you go to sleep. We'll talk more about this in the morning" he said, "Deku--" he held up a hand and he quieted, "I'll be fine, just some sleep and I'll be back to my usual self. I promise" he sighed walking over and hugging him, "You're an idiot" he chuckled, "I'm also your best friend" he snorted, "And my brother" with that, the two split and everyone went their separate ways and headed for bed. Izuku followed after Aizawa, and they went into the lounge, and he locked the door for good measure that Inko isn't going to pop out of nowhere again. He accidentally put Eri and the class in danger once, he's not about to do it again. 

Izuku shortly fell asleep and Aizawa stayed up a bit longer, the situation of Inko showing up wasn't supposed to happen, how in the hell did she even get in? She had to have outside help because there's no way she could have gotten in herself. The whole thing made him feel uneasy, he soon after fell to sleep as well with the earlier situation on his mind. 

At 2:00 am in the morning, Izuku was tossing and turning, bad memories picked and prodded at him. Eating at his thoughts, beads of sweat made his breathing quicken. One such memory made his eyes shoot open and he screamed, Aizawa jerked awake and turned to see Izuku flailing in the blankets, "Izuku, Izuku calm down wake up!" his eyes were frantic shaking even, "Calm down, calm down, your safe. Izuku your safe" he grasped his shoulders, keeping him still while trying to calm him down. "Your safe, listen to me, she won't get you. None of them will, calm down" he kept repeating that Izuku was safe, he hugged him. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't..." Aizawa just hugged him back, "Your safe" never had his nightmares gotten this out of hand to the point he woke someone, but before he became a resident at U.A under his rehabilitation, he always lived alone. Ever since he could walk or talk, he's always been independent, never really depended on anyone unless they were stubborn like the Bakugo's. 

"Do you need some water?" he shook his head; he didn't want any water right now just Aizawa. "This is why you don't sleep" he didn't say anything, but he nodded. "I think my skeletons in my closet... were really just my nightmares that I tried ignoring... " Aizawa didn't say anything, but his chin rested on Izuku's head, the only constant sound available was the clock on the side table. 

"You feeling a bit better now?" he nodded, "I'm sorry for waking you up... I didn't think it would be a memory I pushed so far back but it looks like it wasn't enough..." Aizawa reached into his side drawer and pulled out his melatonin gummies. "Here" he offered two of them, "These are yours, I can't take these" Izuku wasn't about to take Aizawa's just to help him sleep, "You need them more than I do right now it's fine" he insisted, "Your gonna try forcing them down my throat if I don't take them, aren't you?" he asked, "Maybe, you need sleep just like everyone else" he told him honest the entire time. He sighed, giving in, "Fine, I'll take them but next time I won't take them because their yours" he grabbed them and plopped them in his mouth, "Just stick to that and we'll see how long that lasts" he told him and Izuku flopped on the mattress grabbing Aizawa's arm and pulling him down as well. "Why are we laying like this?" not that he minded much, but he was curious. "You deal with the consequences of giving me your gummies, so shut up" the gummies soon took effect, he dozed off before eventually he was out cold again. 

Aizawa smiled a bit and grabbed the blanket and covered them both, honestly, they were still getting a bit used to sleeping in the same bed on a more daily basis instead of just one night but all in all, their situation wasn't turning out half bad anymore. 



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