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Lola added rain, Gavin, Sean, Jackie and 5 others to the groupchat

Gavin: Lola we already have like 10 group chats

Lola: no we don't

Chris: yes, yes we do

Lola: well now we have another one

Rain: whyyyyy?

Sean: to many chats can't keep up

Lola: 🤭

Rain: what?

Lola: 🤭

Lola: 🤭

Chris: ????

Gavin: what's with the "🤭"

Lola: nothing

Rain: wait?

Rain: is it about who I think it's about

Lola: who u thinking about?

Rain: CB?

Lola: no!

Gavin: who's CB?

Rain: don't worry about it

Lola: it's not about anyone

Rain: sure 👌🏻

Chris: I'm confused dude

Sean: same here buddy

Jackie: what is going on?

Rachel: lola?

Lola; yes

Rachel: everything okay

Lola: splendid

Rachel: hmm okay seems fine to me

Chris: who tf is cb

Gavin: are they in the cast

Lola: no maybe

Gavin: can't be me bc I'm GC

Sean: not me I'm SK

Jackie: not me

Rachel: not me either

Rain: not me

Gavin: so that means

Sean; Chris

Chris; what about me

Sean: it's about you CB Christopher briney

Lola: wait what

Chris; is it about me

Lola: no

Sean: definitely is

Lola: no it's not

Chris: then who is it

Lola: no one!!!!!

Gavin: it's Chris

Lola: it's not Chris

Rain: babes I think they figured it out

Lola: really

Rain: ye

Lola: well shit

Chris: so what's about me then?

Rain: tell him

Lola: why

Chris: just tell me

Rain: tell him, it won't be that bad

Sean: what's it u have a crush on him or something

Lola: what no! He has a girlfriend remember

Chris: can have u too lola 🖤🤭

Lola: no it's not that

Chris: damn, then what

Lola: nothing

Chris: don't make me force it out of you

Lola: you wouldn't

Chris: I would

Gavin: I'd say push her in the pool when we are back at set

Sean: or forget to pick her up

Chris: -relies to Sean
|_> now that's to mean I like the pool idea

Lola: you wouldn't do that to me

Chris: but I will if u don't tell me

Lola: no

Chris: fine then I'll see u at set then

Lola: no no no

Chris: yes

Lola: still picking me up tho right?

Chris: yea ofc



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