Crash into you

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                                                                        𓆩♡𓆪Ivory Cromwells𓆩♡𓆪

It is currently 6:16 am and I'm in my kitchen cooking for the two goofballs running around me.

"Kane and Ukara, circle me one more time and I will hit you both" I menaced while hovering my spatula in the air.

They both stopped at the opposite end of the counter:

"Well if you're going to hit us can you hit him with your knives?" Ukara asks looking dead serious.

"I believe the technical term you are looking for is stab" Kane sneakers

I stifled a laugh when she looked at me.

"Are you laughing ?" she pointed her fingers in my direction and then at Kane's

"You little shit COME HERE this will be the last time you touch my clothes or anything at that, after I'm done with you, you will have no more fingers " she sneered then as quick as a second her expression changed I'm officially scared for both me and Kane

She slowly makes her way to me leaning closer to my ears to whisper.

"Do you trust me?" she asks turning me so I can face her

"No. "

"Just trust me" she pleads batting her long lashes at me

Unbelievable this girl is unbelievable

"The last time you said that my house burnt down" I deadpan.

"yeah, but you didn't die" she states

" That's not the point," I say as I throw my hands in the air turning off the stove.

 Everything's ready I set the table while they went around fooling again. It's almost time for Arya to wake up to get ready for school I should check up on her.

I make my way up the stairs to her slightly opened door turning on the lights I walk in to find her asleep, curled up on her back with her head propped on a pillow, her hair spread out everywhere and her eyes closed. She is so beautiful she whimpers a little and shivers and I realize she is sweating through her clothes I can tell the sweat begins to bother her I pick her up gently and sat her on my lap.

"Baby" I cooed fixing her hair in a loose ponytail so it won't be in her face she yawns and makes a grumpy face so adorable.

"It's time to wake up for school Arya" I place her down and removed her pajamas.

"Alright bath time! but first, let's brush those filthy teeth"


"Alright is everybody ready? " I yelled out making my way to the front door Arya stumbled down the last two steps of stairs

"I'm okay Mommy I didn't get any booboos this time" she smiles handing me her backpack I pick her up and handed her her sippy cup. She takes a sip and tugs at my sleeve

"Where are Aunty Kura and Uncle Kane?" she asks while looking towards the stairs.

those two are either glamming each other up or beating each other up just as finished my thought a frantic Kane ran down the stairs A livid Kura following closely behind. "And that's why you can't get laid hahaha" Kane ran to get shelter behind me

" First of all I can get laid I just don't understand the concept of fucking around with just anyone, only you could feel that comfortable with that idea since you have been Hoeing around since you were 16," she says while looking disgusted see I knew this was going to happen that is why Arya's already situated in the car she has her iPad with her to distract her from the mess that happens every time they sleep over which is like 3 time each week.

"Well the only way your gonna get laid is if you crawled up a chicken's ass and waited otherwise you are going to stay a virgin until you find a guy who reaches all your standards" Kane points his tongue at her Kura charges at him and they start running again

I'm leaving whiteout them this time so long suckers.

* 4 hours later *

I'm heading to my 10 Am meeting with Mr.Everbleed as of right now the products have already been shipped to his address Alright let's see what the meeting's for.

sitting in the waiting area I heard some rumors about The Everbleeds being worldwide womanizers' there have been so rumors about Mr.Everbleeds First son Alex Everbleed being very sexually active with the people in his field creating a scandal on national news there were many women claiming to be wedded to him it was just a bunch of prostitutes who wanted to have some money and they did they gave each one of them 25k to silent them one became an actress Serena wells cards for her.

It's been years since I was touched for pleasure would I be easy to get?

Especially they say that The second born will have you begging on your knees, but she knew it was against her morals and that she wasn't just a cheap hooker you could get on the street, No she was a respectable woman with a great reputation and she had earned the titles of Americas finest boutique, café and store.

She was a mother to a toddler who didn't have any father figure what's so ever she Had to have a great image something her daughter would look up to.

Plus she knew Boss-to-client relationships could potentially put the whole business in jeopardy. She had worked hard to make her way to the top. she had no one to rely on in the start why would let it all crumble just for some pleasure?

Though she was very confident in her business endeavors based on the hardships of the past she found herself insecure in the matter of love. How can she ever forgive herself for giving in? No, she shouldn't be thinking of this dark side of her life. " I have healed." She tried to convince herself.

_ Mrs. Crownwells, you are expected in room 12, press Floor 25. Inquired the receptionist.

Ivory suddenly broke out from the state of trance she was propelled to be in, due to her thoughts being abruptly drifted away from her past. She quickly recollected herself by clearing out her throat. It is only then she realized the sumptuous place she was standing in.

_ Thank you ever so much. Please do let them know I have arrived.

I make my way to the elevator just as I was about to head in and run right into a brick wall.?

 ˚ · .Hello! How are you guys doing I know I haven't posted in a while but I have been busy as school is going to start again so I had to prepare for that but now I am back and I will start to post regularly I will post chapter 3 Tomorrow˚ · .

Hello! How are you guys doing I know I haven't posted in a while but I have been busy as school is going to start again so I had to prepare for that but now I am back and I will start to post regularly I will post chapter 3 Tomorrow˚ ·

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Please leave comments i love reading them no mean stuff thought. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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