I'm fine

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"I'm fine" Is a lie you tell yourself and other people and most of the time they see straight through it.

If he had to do it he would. He didn't trust Mormon in the slightest. He wasn't someone to trust. He was the worst person to put trust in especially when he's known for betraying everyone he is close to. It's like self sabotage he can't control. The flash drive in his hand seemed like a knife he was gonna embed in his neck on his own. Mormon wasn't someone to take lightly. Zayn could help but feel just somewhat of a small piece of hope that there might be something on here to change his mind on Mormon.

"I still hate you." Zayn says to himself as he pushes the flash drive into his laptop. He could help but suck in a breath as if once it's in he might die. That's how it felt. He wasn't wrong for thinking like that once the names of each file flew onto his screen. All the names, dates, times, things, other people, discussions all popped up on his screen and his eyes didn't know where to go first. What the fuck was all of this? Why would Mormon give him this and how does he use this to its full ability? He felt as if this was a dangerous thing to have.

It really was as he scrolled to his own name. Was he supposed to be in here? He was afraid to even click his name as his mouse highlighted it. No, no, no later. He scrolled back up to Daniela to see what was contained in there. The pictures of her at that one party popped up on his screen and he could feel the guilt of not looking out for her pop back into his mind. He felt the anger he carried appear back into him. He wanted to kick Aaron so hard he might not get up. Aaron painted himself as such a good person but he should have known he would always be trash. He didn't even get why he developed a crush on him in the first place. Was it because he was so caring and there for him?

Why was he doing it anyway? Why were they all doing it in the first place? He clicked onto a voice recording that he didn't know would make his blood as much as it did. They did it out of jealousy. Out of some twisted logic for her to "stay in her place." They thought she was liked too much, her family was being praised too much so they had to "shake things up". What the hell is that? He couldn't help but shed a tear at that. She didn't deserve that. She didn't deserve any of what happened.

He scrolled back down to his name to see it more filled than Daniela's to his surprise. Many voice recordings, pictures, videos. He didn't think people could be this cruel or this backwards in their thinking. Did they think everyone should "stay in their place". He asked himself as he listened to recordings of them talking about him being too confident or thinking he was "on the ladder now." or he was using Daniela to feel like one of them. It all felt angering. Another assumption that him and his siblings try to fit in this society. He sniffled to himself as he continued to listen and one voice kept sticking out to him even if it was far away from the microphone to hear.

It can't be, is that Aaron? He would hate it to be him. It would just prove to his mind he was as bad as he was starting to think he was. For some reason as his mind processed the contents of these files he felt like blocking it all out. He couldn't correctly understand why this was happening to him so he pretended it didn't happen.

That was the wrong move because pretending something didn't happen makes things even worse.

Lorel even if she was terrible at reading others understood something was weighing on her friend's mind. She knew all that he was going through as she was right there beside him and she knew how straining it was but she couldn't bear to see him like this.

"What's with you? Is this because of the whole Chronicles thing?" She asked him as she sat beside him at the table he chose to have lunch at. "You don't have to frown about it the whole day y'know you can beat the shit outta one of them because honestly I would. He was embarrassed in public by Daniela's behavior and had his privacy leaked by someone who invaded it. He should be screaming and fighting back but he was just sitting there, staring off into space. She was angry for him even if he told her it's not her problem.

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