Chapter three

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I woke up in his bed and slowly open my eyes. There was a sun shining straight into my eyes. I roll over the bed and see that Noah is no longer there so I get up, but my head spin and I need to sit back down. I took my phone, but no message there. I walk over the whole house, but he's not there. I change my clothes and walk to the garage to my car. Noahs car is still there.

I drive off to my home get shower, get some fresh clothes and went straight to work again. I parked on my own place and went to office. After opening my heavy glass door I see Noah sitting on my couch smiling at me.

"Why were you run away? I went only for breakfast two bloks away from my house."

"Im sorry Noah, I just-" your head spin again like this morning. But it was diferent, your head was pounding more and your view getting blurry. Noah sees you and immediately runs to you.

"Shit Ruby, you need to get some breakfast right now, come on, sit down." He helps you sit, but you grab his hand.

"Please get my glucose meter from my desk" you beg him and Noah immediately run get the meter for you. He handed it to you and you measure your sugar level. It's really low.

"I didnt know you have a diabetes. How can I help you?" he ask and touch your thigh.

"Noah dont. Please go away and let me breath for a minute. Youre always two steps behind my back and Im getting sick of it." you said to him and his face drops. He took off his hand from your leg and put a piece of hair behind your ear.

"You dont mean that, I know you dont. Youre just stressed from everything new, especially from the new case. Here, please eat the breakfast so you get better. Im gonna go now, but promise me, you take care of yourself now okay? If you need anythink, Ill be in my office." He handed you the food and walks out of the office smiling lightly at you.

Your thoughts rushs over you. Why were you yelling at him for no reason and why is he so calm and nice about it? Maybe he knows you better then you yourself. Tears are forming in your eyes but suddenly there's a ring from your laptop. You stand up and walk to the desk to look what's going on.

There's a message. "Hi Mrs. Lopes, I would like you to get that case that I left in your office yesterday. I don't have time for this now, so thank you for your help. Bye, Jacob."

Jason is your boss, he doesn't have time at all for cases because he's interested too much in womans and theirs bodies. Well, whatever, now you need to get into that case, even if your don't want to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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