A Lovely Note from a Chaotic Cephalopod

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I have no idea what fanon Neo Agent 3 is like so you're gonna have to deal with my version, sorry!!

As with all of my books, you and Neo Agent 3 can be any gender you want, and the species of both of you are your choice!

Last thing! Neo Agent 3 is just referred to as 'Agent 3' since the old one is the Captain now.


You were playing around with the snow in Alterna, making random shapes like hearts and stars with your finger. Then, a familiar small body comes into view, you look up a little from your mindless drawing and see Agent 3's smallfry looking up at you with its big, round eyes. You smile at it, "Hey there Little Buddy, what's up?" You ask, you notice it has a folded (and a little crinkled) piece of paper in its mouth that it dropped in front of itself for you, it makes a noise that you assume is it wanting you to unfold the paper. You curiously pick up and unfold the paper you were given and read it.

"To [Name],

Hey, this is a sudden letter I know, but I had the urge to get something off of my chest to you and I couldn't build up the courage to do it face-to-face. (Unbelievable, right?)

So... For a long while now, basically ever since we first teamed up, I felt kinda strange around you... Like, my heart went 1000 miles a minute, I got all flustered and sweaty, I chalked it down to just being tired from all the battling I do both in Alterna and in Splatsville... But that didn't really line up with my exact feelings.

I've had you stuck in my head for cod knows how long, your expressions, your compliments when I succeed in a mission, that time you hugged me so tightly I could barely breathe when we beat Mr. Grizz... It's all been stuck in there.

I talked to everyone else about this and they're all saying it's love, yes, even the Captain (apparently) told me it was, at first I denied it because I thought it was just me remembering our good times as friends... but that didn't seem right to me. So at some point (more like 5 minutes ago from the time i'm writing this) I accepted and embraced it was love.

Whether you feel the same or not, I won't change anything about our current relationship, I'll accept either answer.

(Although if you do reject me I might be a little sad... okay, a lot sad.)

From: Agent 3"


Once you finished the letter you stared at it in shock, for being such a chaotic squid/octopus, they seemed pretty put together in this note... But that's not what shocked you. What shocked you was Agent 3 had feelings for you, you, out of everyone on this mission they loved you. How do you break the news to them?? Say it straight up? Or–

Suddenly, a voice snapped you out of your thoughts...

It was Agent 3.

"Soooooo... What's the verdict?"


Note from the Author:

Accepting and Rejecting them are their own chapters~

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