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You stand up and face Agent 3 with a guilty look on your face, they immediately take notice of this and mentally prepare theirself for your rejection.

"I'm really sorry, 3... I only see you as a friend."

Even with their preparation for your rejection it still hit them like a truck. They were about to reply to reassure you, but your guilt took over and you shoved their letter back into their hands and ran away sadly, being careful not to step on Little Buddy while leaving.
They wanted to run after you, tell you to come back, talk it out, but they were frozen in place, nothing leaving their lips but their own breath. They looked at Little Buddy and sighed...

"I fucked up big time, bud."

You walked to the camp, tears leaving your eyes like a waterfall, the Captain and Agents all looked at you with concern. "Woah, woah, woah!! What happened to you??" Agent 1 asked, you looked at her wanting to say something to explain yourself, but the only thing that came out was a quick inhale as your crying got more intense. "Hey, take a seat and breathe, alright? You can talk with us if you want when you calm down." Agent 2 said, you nodded and shakily sat down, Agent 1 was immediately at your side, trying to comfort you as best she could.

Not too long after you sat down, Agent 3 came back and looked in your direction, they hated seeing you cry because of (what they assumed to be) them. You refused to look in their direction, not wanting to sob even more than you already were. Agent 1 noticed this and hugged you so you could hide your face, the Captain connected the dots immediately and got Agent 2 to translate their thoughts. "3, the Captain says to stay away from them for a while." She tells them, they nod in response and sit far away from you, doing the exact thing you were doing before you were given their letter...

Making shapes in the snow.

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