N Manual Blast

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uzi:ok so what is this one about?

title:N manual Blast.

j:huh this one is focusing on useless??
*many female drones that are uzi v j lizzy and doll even cyn all glare at cannon j who is feeling fear from all their glares as they all have their own n and each is different from the last so when a new portal opened they all saw uzi v and j all snuggling and cooing a cute little murder drone that looks like a child version of n.

v:even though that's n.....he's so cute!!!
*her and many others took photos of the little n as then the screen begins playing the new au.

MB uzi j and v woke up in the spire but it looks different.

j:why does the spire look so different?
v:i don't know about you but i like it all those extra dead bodies almost all look fresh!
uzi:ok now i'm worried.
n:oh biscuits.

Mb-uzi:huh? where are we?
Mb-j:i have no idea you toaster.
Mb-v:where are the drones to murder!?

*everyone even the v's all stare at the new v that showed up as she blushes and tries to pretend that she is invisible.*

then Mb-n showed up as he looked a toy compared to them and had no visible mouth.

girls:awe!!(yes even uzi v and j)
guys:huh? meh.

Mb-j:is that you!?
Mb-v:huh you look even more stupid now.

*every one looks to the new v again as she was wearing a paper bag over her head now.*
j:that wont help you. idiot.
Mb-v:i know that already!!
lizzy:can we just watch this au or whatever?? i want to see more of that little cutie!!
*every girl agrees with her as they all continue watching.*

Mb-n just stood there as he turned on some music and started dancing which confused the girls but soon Mb uzi j and v joined in since their is nothing else to do.

*everyone who was watching either joined in or enjoyed the show.*
tessa:well maybe i can make n a new program and mode to make him like that. he's just so cute!
*the worker versions of v j and cyn even tessa's mother all agreed to it. while her father was annoyed but he was punched by tessa's mom knocking him out.*

after the song seemingly ends Mb-n falls to his knees as he is talking to someone?

uzi:huh? what the....?
khan:um is he ok?
*every single girl was watching in worry as the guys even though they were jealous can't helo but feel worried as well.*
thad:um?? is he gonna be okay?! 
darren:uh the little looks like he's going crazy!

Mb-n:get out.....get out!!
Mb-j:what did you say to me!?
Mb-v:your so dead!!
Mb-n:Get Out!!
Mb-uzi:ok this isn't our n!!
Mb-j:what are you talking about!?
Mb-v:yeah see heeeeee......um is that normal?

*every version of uzi j and v glared at Mb-j and v from that universe with such rage that the v's and j's all had their weapons out even the versions of cyn were in their absolute solver monster forms as they also did not look happy.*
cyn:say that again! i fucking dare you bitch!!
*the little n stood in front of all of them after he jumped out of his uzi's arms, as she and their j and v got worried as he was gonna reveal his secret to them.*
Mb-uzi:wait! are you sure?
*everyone looked to her then to the little n who nodded as he began going through what he was on screen as they all watch.*

they looked towards "n" as he began to yell and then laugh.
Mb-j:What The!?
Mb-v:Your Not Our N At All!!!!
"N":hehehe hahaha ahahaha HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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