Murder Hooks 2

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everyone is back as they are now going to see the next part of murder hooks

N:ooh! the next part of murder hooks is here.
uzi:calm down N, i'm excited but control yourself.
N:okay honey!
uzi blushes from hearing that one.

we open on N waking up after having some old memories resurface as he fell and crashed into the snow.

lizzy:still funny every time.

N looked to his claws as he stared at them until uzi called for him.
uzi:N we found something in here.

c-doll:it seems some things don't change that much.
mh-j:except for the inisde of the pod how did you all do that in just one night?
milo burped out a still living worker drone as everyone stares at him with clear shock and fear on their faces.

we see uzi holding a pin as she looked to it while she turned to oscar who had the absolute solver on his visor as it replaced his left eye, bea also has it along with uzi and milo as they were mocked by v and j well mostly v as j was now terrorfied of milo as he put fear and embarrassment into her after their first fight against him.
v:well that's weird and concerning.
uzi:bite me this probably you'se weirdos fault!!
j:i've never seen that symbol before.

j:i've never seen that symbol at all before.
mh-uzi:i know that now!

N climbs in
N:what ya find?
uzi puts the pin on N's hat.
uzi:did you know that was a pilot's hat??
milo&N:my best friend/i was the pilot!? that's awesome!!
N:i'm the one who crashed and ruined everything!? space ship pilot origin story.
v hisses at him before going back to blowing bubbles as milo began trying to eat them.
milo:one day i will eat you bubbles!! nah!!
he leaped at them but crashed into the wall instead as everyone simply stared at his violently kicking legs.

everyone but milo and mh-doll had the same deadpan expressions on their faces, like those on screen as milo and mh-doll were too busy making out.
oscar:this is better for everyone.
bea:like duh.

v:how are you three even related to him? he seems the most likely to kill others on sight with how easy it is for him to launch at anything.
uzi:milo is milo so don't think of turning him into heartless no fun killer like you!
milo(muffled):oh oh!! you go sista!!
uzi:thanks milo!
N:um speaking of piloting to earth? you sure killing all humans is moral??
bea:uh N? for us its very personal!
uzi:bea's right N the humans sent you without a information relay and reformated your memories to soup.
v licks the bubble wand and seems contempt with the taste.
uzi:things like this means their past negociating not like the tried with our mom!
uzi crushed the wrench with her hand and look very pissed until v got in her face but thankfully she was chained up.

db-n growled at mh-v who shrinks in fear from his intimidating presence so his growl only made him even scarier.
j:how is he so scary!
tessa:i wonder who he is as he seems so familiar to me.
j and v agreed as the big guy does seem to be someone that they know but who?

v:or maybe she missed them! the humans sent us to deal with a problem where the proof of your back story? one where your kind is so innocent.
uzi looks scared before she got mad as N and oscar pull her away from v as bea glares at the female murder drone and milo tries to kick her but he was still stuck.
milo(muffled anger):no one gets up in my sista's face or mocks our momma!! let me at her wall!!

milo:yeah let me at her wall!!
doll grabs him and takes him to another room as she places do not disturb sign on it.
khan:well hopefully we can-
soon the sexy sounds of metal hitting metal can be heard as everyone gained blushes, as then the sound proofing was turned on as everyone continued watching.

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