Chapter Two

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Sasuke opened his eyes hours later. His throat was dry and scratchy.

Naruto rubbed his eyes and held out a canteen of water. "Go on drink it." He yawned. "You need it." He's lucky there was clean water not to far from here.

Sasuke just turned his head away, ignoring the offer.

"I'd rather not force it down your throat you know, but if you keep acting like a stubborn little girl I will."

Sasuke didn't move.

"...If you drink it I'll leave you alone for a few hours."

"I'd rather you leave and didn't come back." Sasuke muttered. His voice was hoarse.

Naruto opened the canteen. "Yeah I know. So you keep saying."

Sasuke still made no move to do anything.

"I don't really think you mean it though. You don't have that seething hatred sound in your voice." Naruto laughed slightly. "To be honest it kinda sounds like you actually want me to stay."

Sasuke snorted. "You're imagining things."

"Nah... You know well enough that if you REALLY wanted me to leave; you'd shut up, do what I tell you, rest, and get better faster so I wouldn't feel as bad about leaving you alone out here."

"Or I just can't stand being near you."

"Well you must like it somewhat because you're being so damn stubborn and making me stick around longer."

"I'm not doing anything to make your life easier."

"Well if you really hate me so much you're just making your life harder by making me stick around to tend to your injuries by being a stubborn idiot."

Sasuke remained silent. God damned idiot. It's like arguing with a wall.

He's so damn stubborn! I feel like I'm babysitting a two year old!

Sasuke turned his head away from Naruto. He wasn't going to even honor him with a look.

Naruto grumbled. "Fine be that way. Just don't bitch to me later when your throat is sore and you're dehydrated and have to deal with me for ANOTHER day." Naruto watched him lay silently, mumbling, "He's worse than a pmsing girl."

Sasuke still remained silent.

Naruto sat silently and tried to ignore stomach. Stupid, stupid, stubborn Sasuke. What did I do to deserve all this out of him?

Sasuke coughed. His throat hurt.

Naruto held out the canteen. "Just drink the water..."

Sasuke glared, but took it.

"There see. Now was that REALLY so hard?!"

Considering he could barely move physically, couldn't sit upright without help, and his pride had just been mortally wounded; yes.

If he'd swallow his damn pride once, just once; he'd be getting better a lot faster. He'd be getting a hell of a lot better, much faster, if he would LET me get him some better medical help... Naruto sighed in slight frustration.

Sasuke held onto the canteen, still ignoring Naruto and not actually drinking from it.

Naruto glanced at Sasuke in irritation. "You better drink some of that. I really WILL force it on you if you don't."

"Like you knocked me out for being difficult?" Sasuke snorted.

The blond helped Sasuke sit up. He took the canteen and opened it. Prying open Sasuke's mouth, Naruto poured the water in. "No this time I'm serious."

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