Chapter Three

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Tsunade walked out of the hidden examination room, sighing as she came upon the anxious blond. "He'll live." she answered a bit dully. Sasuke had required hours of her time, and some of her most advanced techniques. "What took you so long to bring him back when you found him injured brat?"

"He kept trying to move. I had to get him to stop moving and rest a bit. But, but he'll really be alright?"

"Yes. It'll take some time, possibly months of healing and rehabilitation, but he'll be fine."

Naruto sighed with relief.

"I want you to fill out a mission's report of what happened. And until we figure out what to do with him, no one is to know of his presence in Konoha. Got it brat?"

Is she ever going to quit calling me that? Naruto nodded.

"Now go on, get out of here. Go visit your friends." The hokage made an attempt to shoo him away.

Naruto started to leave, reluctantly. "I'm coming back later you know!"

Tsunade waved her hand. "Yeah, yeah I know. Just make sure no one else does." Once he was gone, she went back into the room where Sasuke and Jiraiya were. "Have you discovered anything yet?"

Jiraiya nodded. "This curse seal is more problematic than we thought originally." he glanced at Tsunade.

"Anko's never gave her nearly as much trouble. Is it another level of the seal, or is his body having an adverse reaction?" she looked down the bed bound Sasuke.

"From what I can see, this seal completely alters his state of mind. He's aware of what he's doing when he's under its influence but he can't stop what he's doing." Jiraiya rubbed his head slightly. "I've seen some pretty nasty things before but this one is certainly the cruelest. I can't tell if it's been doing further mental damage or physical damage to him."

"But someone should have noticed such a drastic change." Tsunade idly brushed a lock of hair out of his face.

"I think Naruto has noticed." Jiraiya looked at Sasuke. "I don't think he would have brought him here if he wasn't certain there was something else going on."

"Besides the life threatening wounds?" Tsunade mused darkly. "Is there any way to reverse it? Kakashi's counterseal didn't work very well."

"I'm not sure. If there is a way," Jiraiya grinned broadly. "I'll figure it out."

"Be quick about it. We need to figure out how much this is affecting before his future can be decided."

"Well I can already tell you it affects a lot. Reversing it will take a good while, if it can be reversed." Jiraiya crossed his arms. "His personality, his willpower, his very nature is different. At least based on what I've heard from Kakashi and Naruto about him."

"What are the chances that the seal is the reason he left to join Orochimaru?"

"Pretty high." he glanced at Tsunade.

Tsunade nodded. "Do whatever you can to reverse it. He may be able to reinstate as a Konoha ninja if that is the case."

"We'll still have to keep a close eye on him if that's the case."

"I'm making no moves to reinstate him until I am sure his curse seal is under control." she checked Sasuke over once more, before leading Jiraiya out of the room.

"I'd recommend a serious psychological evaluation too. We don't know what it's done to his mind." Jiraiya shrugged. "His past makes his mind fragile enough as it is."

Tsunade sighed, taking out a bottle of sake. "Orochimaru has really outdone himself this time." she mulled over the drink.

"As much as I'd hate to agree." Jiraiya nodded. "Yes, he really has."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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