Chapter 2

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A/N Y/N will not be mentioned too much in this chapter and I am sorry for that but she will be in the next one☺️

Darling Charmings POV🩵
I was rushing to class today with Y/N because we were late AGAIN.Which for us meant really big and huge lecture for our teacher Mrs.Watersprite in front of the whole class.

So we literally had 10 seconds to get our things and RUN to class as fast as we possibly can.As we were dashing down the hallway I was asking myself why I hadn't see anyone (except Y/N since she was my roommate) today.That's when I stopped in my tracks to think.Y/N looked back at me and asked me why I had stopped I responded with "today doesn't feel weird to you at all?" I asked "No not really why Darling Charming?".

"I mean we haven't really seen anyone today except for us" I say really worried about what was going on behind closed doors at this point,which is weird for me because I'm not one to be on edge a lot. "im sure everything's fine,now cmon.I can picture the lecture being worse my every second we're wasting right now." Y/N grabs my hand and again we start dashing down the hallway.

While we were dashing down the hallway again we were about to go past the lunchroom when we heard a Big Bang come from it.Which made both me and Y/N jump back  and stop running immediately.Y/N looks nervous but for the first time in a pretty long time I felt like my gut way officially turn in the right zone.I signal for Y/N to come on as I walk towards the lunchroom.As soon as I opened the door as hand-full of porridge come flying into my direction.Luckily it missed me but right when I was about to sigh out of relief.I hear a gasp behind me.

You'll never guess who it hit

I saw Y/N to my right so it didn't hit her.So... who did it hit?right when I was thinking I heard the whole lunchroom gasp.That worried me even more,I turned around to see none other than BRIAR BEAUTY...
And she looked like she wanted to cry until she ran out of tears.I immediately gasped out  loud enough for the world to hear.I felt really sorry for her,the whole school knows how much Briar hates to be dirty.

Then without warning she started sobbing,and screaming at the same time which.I didn't think was possible.Everyone covered their ears,while she screamed like her story had got turned upside down (no pun intended).When she stopped I hugged her,and she hugged back crying on my shoulder when I look over at Y/N,she was stunned.I think she was confused of what was happening in the lunchroom,and quiet frankly I was too.

When I had looked back at the lunchroom some students were in one side and others were on another side on one side I saw Blondie lockes,Justine Dancer,Alistair Wonderland,Bunny Blanc,Holly O'Hair,Jason Buff,and many others but two particular people caught my eye my brothers.Daring Charming and Dexter Charming.And they were arguing with the other side,people at our school like to call them the rebels but I call them the other side to not make them feel bad.

And in the middle of it was Apple white trying to stop it all.Poor girl no one was listening to her,me and apple have know each other for a pretty long time now.I know she likes to help people to the best of her ability,she likes to be nice to everyone even if she doesn't know you.

I decided to finally step in I breathed in and breathed out and said "EVERYONE PAY ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY!!" Everyone's head whipped around to face me even the other side and my brothers which surprised but I kept my guard up. "Everyone needs to pay some respect and more attention to Apple!She just trying to help calm this situation down so we can all come to our sense!" I said my voice serious but calm enough for people to listen to me and not be afraid.

"Do I make myself clear?" Some were too afraid to speak so they just nodded and some said yes but a few particular people decided to start a riot again. "Why should we listen to you huh?!" I looked in the direction where that came from and saw Duchess Swan "Because Apple is trying to help and all of you are being rude." I said while standing next to apple,she put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me as a thank you for stating the obvious.

While the commotion started up again.I asked Apple White what happened in here,because there was loads of tables on two sides of the room looking like they were set up to block the chair scattered around the lunchroom,AND speaking of the lunchroom it was COMPLETELY DESTROYED! Food everywhere,on the walls,on the floor and worst of all on some of the students.I had got dragged out of my thoughts by Raven Queen.I hugged her I don't know why but I felt right,and she hugged back but a little tighter.

What could have caused the students to go wild?

Word Count:913🩵

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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