Chapter 5: Better Late Than Never pt 2

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Jungkook finds out who jimin is..

Two months. That's how much time has passed since Jimin found out. That's how much time it's taken for him to get close to Jungkook. Does he still feel guilty? Of course. Does he push that into the back of his mind every second of the day? Absolutely. Has it worked so far? Extremely well, actually.

"Jimin." Jungkook calls once he walks into their shared apartment. Jimin pops his head out of his bedroom only to see Jungkook looking bright eyed and slightly awkward.

"What's up?" Jimin asks, heart racing just being in Jungkook's presence.

"You'll never believe what happened to me just now." Jungkook coughs awkwardly, approaching Jimin stiffly with his hands hidden behind his back.

"What?" Jimin smiles up at the cute bunny-like male before him.

Jungkook pulls two slips of paper out from behind his back. "Someone gave me these random tickets to this show tonight. I guess it's a campus concert or something. Wanna go?" Jungkook smiles.

"Like... together?" Jimin blushes, surprised, but not at the same time. The two of them have been spending a lot of time together lately, so this isn't too weird.

"Yeah, I mean, if you're up for it. What do you say?" Jungkook bumps Jimin's shudder playfully.

"I'd love to." Jimin grins. You might be happy now, but you've been lying to him for two months. That little voice in the back of Jimin's head reminds him. But he tries suppressing that, and keeps the smile on his face. "When does it start?"

"In like an hour. We should probably get ready if we want to get there in time." Jungkook says, already jogging towards his room. "Thirty minutes, okay?" He points at Jimin, who nods.

"Thirty minutes." He says. Jungkook closes his door and Jimin lets out a sigh. He returns to his bedroom and quickly changes his clothes, trying to make himself look decent and not like he hasn't showered in a while, which he hasn't because he's been studying nonstop lately. To be honest, he can't really remember the last time he really even slept. If it were anyone else asking him to go to something, Jimin would probably turn it down. But it's Jungkook aka Ironman97 aka the person he's pretty sure he's in love with.

After checking himself out in the mirror one last time and spraying himself down with some cologne, Jimin heads back out into the living room to see Jungkook sitting on the couch, waiting. "Ready to go?" The younger male stands.

"Yep." Jimin nods, taking in the sight of Jungkook's amazingly tight pants and beautifully styled hair. Next to Jungkook, Jimin feels like a serious eye sore. And that feeling doesn't go away for the rest of the evening.

As the two of them reach the venue where the concert is being held, Jimin just wants to hide away. Everyone seems to be taking notice of Jungkook. They're all smiling at him, greeting him. Random girls are going out of their way to tell him he's handsome, and Jimin feels small and out of place.

"Hey." Jungkook's voice pulls Jimin out of his trance.

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