How ya'll met #2

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You were sneaking into a facility,looking for a wanted object by many,and you finally got your paws on it, until it was swipped. You looked to see a black cat with your precious object. "Hey,that object is my score! Get back here!" You whisper-yelled. She only turned to leave as you followed her. When she got outside,she blew a raspberry at you as she made her escape. You followed her throughout it all,determined to get your object back. When you followed her,you slipped and fell into an empty dark room with her, where you immediately tried to pry it from her paws, eventually leading imto a swordfight. You were eventually disarmed after a good fight and just as she was about to kill you, you yelled,"Look maybe we can work something out,maybe we can split the price for the object between us." She stopped to think about what you said. Eventually,she huffed,"Fine. We are only together until we get the money. But i get 60%."

You grumbled,"Fine."

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