Revelation Day

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Iris: what is it rose?
Rose: I can tell you don't know cid very well and he does tend to hold back and act weird sometimes
Iris: I see...
Cid: (nani, she does know, i mean rose is like the queen of oriana since her father died,well so yeah, only Alpha would have seen my full power, and with time, i gained more power.... Rose....)
Rose: yeah, you could have asked Alexia as well
Iris: true, just been busy with some stuff, well alright, let's head back to base, later Rose

Rose : Later princess iris!

Iris: well cid,we learn something everyday don't we?
Cid: ah,yes princess iris
Iris: you can also just call me iris but not in public
Cid: alright iris, so can i head home now?
Iris: mhm, what's up?
Cid: Well....
Iris:woah, well in that case you may
Cid: thanks much! 🙂

Beatrix: interesting, slime is really good ngl, i wish i knew about it earlier

Alpha: yeah
Beatrix: well then, i believe you can use your powers to manipulate the slime
Alpha: indeed
Beatrix: ah my niece, there's still more divine power we need
Alpha: indeed, you are a Goddess among men and women and they don't even know
Beatrix: so yeah, how long do we havs to wait?
Alpha: well for cid, he might go out but then in like another 20 mins or smth he's back again
Beatrix: sheesh,now that he's working amongst iris
Alpha: yup,and he will come in tired because he's running
Beatrix: I'll take care of that
Alpha: thanks 🙂🥰
Beatrix: you are welcome Alpha 😍🥰

Cid: "running exceptionally fast", Man, I'm so tired.... I'm not even home, 🙃,what do i do 😗

A Lamborghini appears right behind cid, who's in it

Alexia: "removes sunglasses" , hey pooch
Cid: Aaa-lexia!?
Alexia: well your coming or not?
Cid: surely
Alexia: also pooch, don't i look adorable
Cid: you sure do ☺️, thanks much, where you going?
Alexia: shopping.
Cid: great
Alexia: I'll just drop you off,and go about my own business 😉
Cid: i was heading there now
Alexia: "starts car", sheesh you planning to run a marathon or something?  If you do I'd love to see that Excalibur of yours when your done
Cid: 😳 (ah shit, i was planning on doing a marathon but not with that Excalibur part 🥺)
Alexia: That expression on your face....i love it

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