Where are you going?

388 21 5

**CW : very very light mentions of implied sexual acts (it's literally like one word)

Minho and Hyunjin were walking to Lola's Coffee in silence. It had been 2 days since Minho accidentally hurt Hyunjin's feelings, but Hyunjin holds grudges. Minho had already apologized six times. He thought it useless at this point to just say he's sorry and hope it goes away. So, they continued their lives, not sure what else they could do.

The pair reached their destination and Minho raced to open the door for the taller boy. "Your majesty." Minho gave a princely bow hoping his gesture lightened Hyunjin's mood. Hyunjin was desperate to keep his grudge for an unknown reason, so he stifled his laugh and tensed his face to hide his smile.

"I'll order, go sit down somewhere; I want to talk to you." Minho said softly as he entered the shop behind Hyunjin.

"You don't even kn-" , "Americano, no milk, very little sugar with heavy ice." Minho quickly interrupted Hyunjin knowing the other boy was about to give him as much sass as he could muster. He shut him down swiftly with a playful wink. Hyunjin walked to a nearby booth in defeat, telling Minho that he was right.

Minho ordered, waited for their drinks, and even bought Hyunjin's favorite coffee cake. Once his name was called, he grabbed the order and headed to find Hyunjin. After spotting his roommate, he sat facing towards him.

"What's this?" Hyunjin asked upon being offered the coffee cake.

"A peace offering. You said you didn't eat them anymore because of some diet and I think that's ridiculous." Minho explained, pausing to sip his coffee. "Even if you cut back on sweets, you have to treat yourself occasionally."

Hyunjin happily accepted the dessert along side his drink, letting his façade of a grudge fall for a moment. He was just happy that Minho remembered. He cautiously sipped the drink and gave a small 'mm' in approval.

"I want to apologize." Minho stopped picking at his fingernails and looked up at Hyunjin, who had stopped chewing to glare at his older roommate. "Please, just hear me out." Hyunjin rolled his eyes and nodded to tell Minho to continue.

"I know my memory is awful and I know we aren't close." Minho started. He looked back at his nails, not being able to keep eye contact. "But I still consider you my friend." Hyunjin gave a small nod, mouth still full of his last bite of cake.

"I never meant to offend you or forget about your do-" , "Kkomi." , "-Kkomi. I am just asking if we can start over. If we can pretend to be strangers and get to know each other." Minho kept picking at his nails, close to drawing blood, it hurt, but he was too nervous to actually notice.

Hyunjin wiped his face with his napkin and put his hand on Minho's to stop him from picking. "Hi." He started, Minho shooting him a confused glance. "I'm Hwang Hyunjin." Hyunjin lifted his hand and offered Minho to shake it.

"Lee Minho."


The two boys stayed at the shop for longer than originally planned. They exchanged birthdays and majors; plans for the future. They shared that they have no siblings and bonded over being only children. They had long finished their original drinks, but Hyunjin ordered his second Americano.

Hyunjin walked over to Minho and gave him a small smile as he sat down.

"Hyunjin?" Minho started, unsure of if he should ask what he planned to ask.

"Yes, Min-ah?"

"Why do you go out so late at night?" He asked, regretting asking immediately upon Hyunjin choking on his drink.

"Why do you ask?" Hyunjin stuttered out, gasping. He looked everywhere but Minho.

"It's just that you get dressed up all nice and come back around 4am." Minho explained searching for reasoning in Hyunjin's expression. He found nothing of importance. "I live with you so you thinking that I wouldn't notice is just... ignorant" Minho cringed at his choice of words, scared to fuck up the friendship he just rebuilt not an hour ago.

"I just don't think it's your business." Hyunjin shot back. He huffed angerly and contorted his face, expressing his disgust for Minho's intrusion into his private life. "We are roommates because we go to college together."

Minho sighed. "Right, not my place, got it."

"Yeah. Not your place." 

The two sat in uncomfortable silence. Both boys were scared to speak and fuel the fire. Neither knew why they constantly butt heads. Minho sighed which gathered Hyunjin's attention. 

The younger boy started to feel guilty. "I'm sorry." Minho shook his head in response. 

"You don't need to be." They made brief eye contact. "The only reason I asked is because I'm concerned." Minho admitted, mumbling. 

Hyunjin was taken aback. He had never been worried about before, let alone by basically a stranger. "What?" 

"I'm worried about you. You're a freshmen and you go out every night. For all I know, you could be out getting harassed, catcalled, hurt, or even stalked!" Minho started to feel his worry boil in his body. He didn't realize he felt so strongly.

Hyunjin's expression dropped. "I'm not being stalked." He stated bluntly. Hyunjin's strange intonation echoed in Minho's head.

"What do you mean?" 

"What did I say? I meant I'm not being stalked." Hyunjin laughed nervously. He sipped his neglected coffee. "You don't have to worry about me being stalked. I promise." He clarified.

Despite the younger's clarification, Minho was still suspicious. He felt his skin crawl, just like when he saw the graffiti on his desk, or when he saw the mystery man outside. The silence was so loud. Minho could hear his own breathing. 

"Are you okay?" Hyunjin cautiously asked, breaking Minho from his thoughts, or lack there of. 

"Yeah. Let's just go." Minho stood up quickly and started walking, only stopping to wait for Hyunjin at the door.


Back at the dorm, hours later, Hyunjin is getting all dressed up again, like nothing ever happened. And then, he left, like nothing ever happened. The second the door clicked, Minho shot up from his bed, gathered his things and followed after his roommate.

Hyunjin is a fast walker, Minho almost lost him immediately, but from the inside of the building, he saw Hyunjin's skinny frame and blond hair. He was getting in the sports car Minho had been seeing all around town. Minho sprinted out to his own car, a piece of shit, honestly. He quickly followed the sound of burnt rubber.

Minho watched as the sports car pulled into an abandoned looking car park. He parked (illegally, but he didn't care at this point) just down the road. Minho snuck into the car park and searched for the car everywhere. He went to the top floor and found it in the back corner. He hid behind every light post that had a cement base. Slowly, he made his way towards the inconspicuous car. Then, he heard what he feared. Hyunjin... moaning?


Word Count: 1.1k 

Ta-Da! I have a feeling this is gonna snowball. <3

edit after I started the next chapter : it snowballs

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