The Truth

334 21 6

There's a lot of dialogue here so sorry.

**Angst (again sorry), Blood, Mentions throwing up, Anger

Minho backed away from the three people in front of him. He felt, honestly, terrified to his core. He'd never even began to think they'd kill anyone, that Changbin would kill someone. The fact that no one else was questioning it made it all the more scary to him. Minho was surrounded by strangers. He couldn't get away. He felt trapped. 

Minho started to breathe heavily and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He felt his back touch the wall. He slid down it and pulled his knees to his chest. He was exhausted. Minho sobbed softly into his lap. Suddenly, he felt a hand on his own causing him to leap out of his skin and snap his view up. Tears streamed down his face as he locked eyes with Hyunjin. "Please, the truth." Minho begged softly through sobs.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this." Hyunjin said, rubbing Minho's trembling hand with his thumb. "This wasn't supposed to happen." He whispered. It sounded like he was talking to himself. "I'm so sorry, Minho." Hyunjin hesitated, but reached up to wipe Minho's tears away. 

Minho had no idea why he let him. He felt so unsafe, but comforted at the same time. This was a feeling he'd never experienced before. His confusion turned to anger. He was about to yell at Hyunjin, but was interrupted by the sounds of gun shots coming from outside. Minho jumped closer to Hyunjin and held his breath. 

The shots finally ended and Minho stood up. His legs moving him before he could think. "What are you doing?" Hyunjin asked in a worried tone.

"I don't know." Minho picked up his pace and shot up the stairs. He hesitated. What was he doing? Why was he curious? Every bit of reasoning in his body was screaming at him to run away. The door opened even though Minho hadn't touched it. He looked up to see Bahng standing in front of him covered in blood. Minho's whole body shook. Run away, Minho. Just get out of here! He thought.

But he didn't. He was suddenly embraced by the older. "Are you okay?" Minho was frozen. What is he even supposed to do? 


The eight boys sat in silence. It felt like they had been there for hours just staring at each other. Four of the criminals sat entangling their legs on the couch, it seemed that none of them knew what good posture was. The other three, who Minho knew the most about, sat next to him on the floor. Minho was picking at his fingers, not caring if he drew blood. He felt so unsafe, but he also felt like he belonged in a way. He was confused. Minho wanted to run, but he wanted them to run with him. Why does he feel like this? He's always stayed out of trouble and now in the span of one night he has trespassed and, if he doesn't go to the police, became an accomplice by inaction in murder.

"You killed someone.." Minho said, his voice coming out in only a whisper.

"He hurt one of our boys. People don't just get away with that." Bahng responded, completely calm. "And these people want a fight. They won't listen to words, Min."

Minho felt his voice break as he spoke. "Tell me who you are.." He didn't plan on crying, but a tear fell down his cheek as he looked around at the seven others. He stopped and made eye contact with Changbin. "Please."

Bahng was the first to speak. "Christopher." He faced Minho. "Bahng is my last name." He sighed. "You really don't need to know about us. Hyunjin should've left you out of this."

Hyunjin scoffed. "I'm not the one stalking him." Minho felt his skin crawl again. He looked back at his roommate. 

"What? You're who keeps following me?" Minho snapped at Chris.

"I'm not following you." Chris groaned. "I was following Hyunjin. I'm just punctual." 

Hyunjin rolled his eyes and scoffed again. "Right. I'm the one who repeatedly talks about my roommate." He leaned towards Chris and narrowed his eyes. "I'm not obsessing over him."

"Boys, please." Jisung huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"No!" Hyunjin snapped. "I brought him here for the truth. Tell him the truth."

Chris stood up and turned away from the group. "You shouldn't have brought him in the first place, Ferret. He doesn't belong in our crowd. He's not-" 

Hyunjin cut him off. "Not what? A criminal? Or what? He's not a lost cause like the rest of us? Is that really how you view us, Christopher?"

Chris turned towards them and stepped forward towards Hyunjin. His stance was intimidating. "He has dreams, Hwang. He has no criminal record. He has family that would miss him and come looking for him. He is a liability." 

"Changbin has family, who he's still in contact with, might I add. Jeongin had no criminal record. I have dreams! I'm in college! What about us? Are we labilities too?" 

The room fell silent. No one dared to speak. Minho looked down at his bleeding fingertips. His hands shook. He felt like he was going to puke. Jeongin stood up and walked away. Felix, who was curled under Doc's arms, was crying softly. Felix hated fights and, despite being a criminal, had a soft heart.

Hyunjin finally huffed and stood, storming off. Jisung stood and gave an apologetic glance to Minho. "I'll talk to him."

Chris kicked something small towards the wall behind Minho. "Fuck!" He shouted. Minho jumped and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Chris-" Changbin started.

"Take him home." Chris pointed towards the door. 


"Now, Seo!"

Changbin sighed, defeated. He motioned Minho to stand to leave. He helped him up and guided him towards the exit. "Don't do anything else stupid, Chan." Changbin mumbled in passing. "Let's get you to your dorm." He gave a soft smile to Minho and started up the steps. Minho still had no idea who they were. He never got the truth.


Word Count: 1k

So so so sorry about this delay. These past few days really sucked creatively. I'm kind of rushing this one out- 

Working on the next chapter as soon as this one goes up!

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