Awkward Silence

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It was Monday, Minho walked out of his lecture. He quickly walked past Hyunjin, but immediately gets followed. "Minho!" Hyunjin shouted. "Wait up!" 

Minho did the opposite. He skipped past the coffee shop and started towards his dorm. He wanted nothing to do with his roommate. Not after what happened a few days ago. He had been avoiding him at all costs. He quickly walked into the dorm, slamming the door in Hyunjin's face. He threw his books down and started out the door again. He quickly pushed past Hyunjin, bumping his shoulder on accident. He rushed out to his car and started it up. He had no idea where he planned to go, but he knew he wanted nothing to do with Hyunjin right now. Not until he figured out his emotions.

Minho drove off of the school's campus and down the rode and into the country side. He had to have been driving for close to an hour until he realized his car was smoking. "Fuck." He shouted, hitting the steering wheel. His car started to sputter and slow down. "No, no, no!" He pulled to the side of the rode. "Please, don't do this." He whispered to his car. It was an old car and on it's last limbs. It wasn't uncommon for it to stop like this. Except now, Minho had no idea where he was. He dissociated through driving and had no idea what roads he took. Nothing looked familiar.

Minho pulled out his phone and step out of the car onto the road. His hands were shaking. It was starting to get dark outside. He lifted his phone up searching for any cell service he could get. He cursed at himself for dissociating. He took the keys out of the ignition and sat on the ground next to his open door. "What am I gonna do?" He mumbled to himself. He leaned his head against the car and groaned. "Even if I had cell service who would I call?" He muttered and then gasped. He sighed. "No. I refuse to call him. He has no business being in my life again." He hit himself in the head and relaxed again. 

He sat there for around fifteen minutes hoping a car would drive past, but no one came. In fact, it only started to rain. Minho climbed into his car and rested his head onto his steering wheel. The rain had started to beat down on the windshield. Minho pushed his seat back and pulled his legs to his chest. He laid his head back and fell asleep.


Minho jolted awake. He had no idea how long it had been, but it was bright and sunny now. His car was blazing hot and the thick air was suffocating him. He yanked the door open and gasped. He fell out onto the road and coughed. "Fuck!" He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and sat there for a minute.

He yelped when a car zoomed past. He jumped to his feet and waved at the fleeting car. "Come back! Help!" He ran after the car, but it was already gone. Soon, three more cars followed. He gasped in realization. "A street race." He turned to face the on coming traffic and scanned the cars flying towards him. Then, he saw it. The neon pink spray paint was easy to spot. "Ch-" He caught himself. What if they don't know his government name? "Auto!" He shouted towards the car's open windows. "Auto, help!" He screamed.

The car zoomed past, screeching to a sudden stop just a few hundred feet away. "Auto!" Minho shouted again. He didn't want Changbin's help, but where else was he going to go? What other choice does he have? The car made a tight u-turn to return to Minho.

"Le- Minho?" Changbin said, pulling up to Minho. "What're you doing way out here? You're miles from the school!" He looked towards his passenger side and threw the jacket in the seat to the back.

Minho panted and coughed. "I drove. I dissociated. My car broke down." He gasped for air. His body was overheated. "I fell asleep last night with my car shut and window's up." 

"Get in, there's A/C." He climbed out of the car and walked up to Minho's car, opening the hood with ease. Minho scurried to the passenger's side and climbed in, scanning the dash for the A/C knob. He found it and turned it to full blast. He pulled at his shirt and groaned, it was way too hot. 

Changbin took off his shirt, revealing a tank top underneath. He threw the shirt into his back window and glanced at Minho. "Take your shirt off." He said, it almost sounded like a demand.

Minho whipped around to look at him. "What?"

"How long were you in your car? You need to get your body temperature down." Changbin's voice dripped in concern. "Take it off." He said softly before returning to Minho's car. Minho slowly obeyed, putting his shirt into his lap. He used his hands to cover his chest, feeling exposed.

Changbin walked back to his car and grabbed a rag from his trunk. He wiped the oil off, leaving stains. "Yeah, your car's fucked. The engine died, overheated. It's out of coolant and the pipe's busted. I'm surprised it lasted that long, or that your car didn't fucking explode." He explained while climbing into the car. He pulled on the gear stick and pulled off the shoulder of the street. He sped quickly in the direction of the town.

"What about your race?" Minho asked cautiously. 

"They'll be fine. I'm up by four races any way. I can afford to lose this one. Plus, this is more important."  Changbin started to speed up, going at least thirty over the speed limit. Minho let his hands fall, gripping the seat. Changbin slowed down, not wanting to scare Minho.

Minho and Changbin sat in silence as they pulled into the school's parking lot. Minho pulled his shirt back on quickly after realizing he forgot about it. Minho climbed out of Changbin's car and watched as he sped off in the direction of the den. Minho sighed and trudged his way to his dorm. He lazily pushed open the door and was immediately hugged by Hyunjin. 

"Jesus fucking christ! I'm so glad you're alive." He cried. "Changbin texted me. Are you okay? Can I do anything for you? How can I help?" Hyunjin wiped his own tears and pulled away from the hug. Minho just pushed past him and went to his bed. He laid down. The two shared a moment of silence before Minho fell asleep. "I'm so sorry.." Hyunjin whispered. 


Word Count: 1.1k

3 Minutes late, but better than 2 days lmao! <3

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