Fanfic ideas and Thoughts 2

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(The pic above came from a YouTube post

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(The pic above came from a YouTube post. Idk why Wattpad won't post it at the very top. I apologize for the couple reposts it took to get the pic to show.)

I love Chiaki, especially in fanfics. I can't believe we have things like Checkmate coming to life and getting more public attention! I've been thinking of making a pic of the Freya familia x Kiyo vs. Loki familia showdown from Integrating.)

With the craziness life is hitting me with, I won't have the time or brain power to update this the way I'd like, or progress well on any of my other projects (yes, I have some unique things cooking). Imma post this tho. It's relatively unedited, and maybe unfinished. If I just have a name, then I'm asking for that character to play a big part of whatever story. Leggo!

- [ ] The official Side Manga Suzune in a story. Got to admit, she is insanely cute in there. though, she reminds me a lot of Mon on a Mission Suzune, except even more honest and taken by her feelings sooner

- [ ] Kiyo yr by yr summary for the future. ex: 20x1 Drops out anhs the day before graduation (not in class a), Starts leading WR. 20x2 plots to overthrow Atsuomi 20x3 Overthrows Atsuomi and combines WR curriculum with ANHS to form a new school with him in a teaching role. 20x4 Suzune finds him, rekindle relationship ..... etc. 

- [ ] Spy Sakura Airi - I mean a real top class spy, kind of Siesta like in strength and total ability 

- [ ] Rem... I promise, one day I'll read the Re zero simp fic 😭

- [ ] More Kiyo goes to college. And what if he's still rebellious and fighting off his father/WR? Sort of like in Top Tier character? with fun others there like a Ryuuen, Honami, Arisu, Ichika, etc. 

- [ ] Kiyo goes down years (to Amasawa's year or less). F the rules when u have money! Kiyo gonna stall as much as the Chairman allows him. This would be HILARIOUS! Also, if he didn't want to go back to the WR, tell Suzune (to tell her bro), Kouenji, and other influential people enough about his circumstance to get eyes on Atsuomi so he don't do anything too crazy when he's enraged, Cause Atsuomi would try to kill Chairman fo sho.

- [ ] Flashpoints: showing futures based on pasts. The flashpoint moments that spiraled into both the bright, the bleak, and everything in between. Maybe even do a re zero return by death to this point in their lives

- [ ] Sachi-iro no One Room-read chapters 1-3. You'll kind of understand what I'm thinking. It reminds me of that side character girl Kiyo had a past business relationship with in that one Kiyo in Angel spoils me rotten fic. I could be off the mark. Regardless, hope this sparks some kind of idea. even without sachi, Kiyo on the run should be fun if u want to go there.

- [ ] Kiyotaka vs Ayanokouji. God(s) said, "Time to box."

- [ ] What if someone really tried to bully Kiyotaka. It's definitely up the defectives alley. It was done in the top tier character Ayanokouji crossover, volume 2, and it was hilarious!

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